Message Board Rules

AnalystForum is an open forum for communication relating to the CFA exam. We don’t have a long list of fine print, but what we do have is not negotiable, so please respect our Message Board Rules. AnalystForum may at any time, without notice and at our sole discretion, remove or edit any message for violating the following Message Board Rules. As a member of the AnalystForum community, you may not: - Post any content that is abusive, obscene, hateful, vulgar, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, defamatory, or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person; - Post or transmit any material that you don’t have the right to transmit under law (such as copyright, trade secret or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as nondisclosure agreements); - Post offers to sell, offers to purchase, transmit, or link to any advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation; - Post or transmit information that is intentionally deceptive or deceitful; - Post, transmit, or link to sexually explicit or other objectionable material; - Impersonate any person, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

To whomsover it may concern,

I am writing this post to express my disappointment about certain activites on AF lately.I follow threads on AF almost every day although i don’t post here regularly.Yesterday i saw a new section on AF called “Ban Watch” with X ray and rahul roy being listed as possible nominee to get the “You are banned awards”.The Ban watch thread says “This thread will list members of AnalystForum who are at risk of being banned for violating the Community Rules. If you are on this list, please read the Community Rules carefully before posting again”.I know RR is not liked by many members on AF so his name coming up in the Ban Watch list was always on the cards.I don’t know much about X Ray but his posts are surely annoying.

As a fellow member of AF i think it is within my rights to know as to what criteria are used to put people on the “Ban Watch” list.If making racial remarks are the reasons for putting people on the “Ban watch” list then many names from the list are still missing.Members like Igor have always posted racist remarks on AF about Asians still he is not on the list.I think the childish and immature fight that took place between Inkybinky,RR and X ray may have annoyed many and thus they are put on the Ban list…or WAIT Inky is not on the list although he was equally guilty of the crime.Inky has used the word “penis” multiple times on this forum to insult people(clear violation of AF rules) so why isn’t binky Inky not on the list just like Xray/RR…may be because he is an American …

Moderators please do clear my doubts …before perhaps deleting my comment or putting me on the “Ban Watch” for saying the truth… wink

Unlike my dear friend and mentor Rahul I have decided to speak up ,I believe that some other posters should be equally guilty ,I am not going to mention names to stir any further conflict but I believe everyone in here are equally important regardless of Race/Income/Education.

Another note I have is I believe its the job of mods to manage this forum,I have chosen AF because its relevant to the career I want to pursue In finance,This is not some stupid WWE forum,I think the boardmembers should be happy that some members are young and need guidance,its been long said that punishment does not work.I hope we can reach a conclusion here not hatred towards me.


I stopped reading here. How in the world do you think you have rights to any information or feedback from a privately owned forum?

The ban hammer should have been used swiftly and without warning days ago. You must nip trolls in the bud. They will kill this forum. Mark my words.

“Ban watch” seems kind of petty, as it is effectively a form of public shaming. A more effective and tactful approach would be to privately message or email the affected individuals, and swiftly ban them if the adverse activity persists.

I would also like to see further discussion on “massage board” rules, specifically, what is the standard boundary between customer and masseur/masseusse, as I have reason to suspect that I have been taken advantage of a couple of times.

Thank you for your consideration.

I have rights to know the criteria that puts a member in “Ban Watch” list.

No, you don’t.

You may really, really, really want to know…you can demand to know…but you’re not entitled to anything.

Yes, AF is privately owned and there are no constitutional rights. But if we don’t focus on the exact wording, aks123’s sentiments are somewhat vaguely on target.

It is in Chad’s self-interest to attract and retain eyeballs to the site, and to have posters post good content for free to make it attractive for users and advertisers. More transparency usually helps. If (as it seems) private admonitions have failed and a public shaming is needed, then give some reasons. People may not agree but it will be a more transparent decision. Plus it may help borderline jerks straighten out and moderate themselves (fat chance, but one can always hope.)

There will always be carping about discrimination and arbitrariness, to which you can just say “prosecutorial discretion” :slight_smile: I understand very well the difficulties in moderating Internt fora, so this is not so much a criticism as a suggestion.

Why don’t you try reading the very first post that is as clear as day:

As a member of the AnalystForum community, you may not:

  • Post any content that is abusive, obscene, hateful, vulgar, fraudulent, threatening, harassing, defamatory, or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person;

  • Post or transmit any material that you don’t have the right to transmit under law (such as copyright, trade secret or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as nondisclosure agreements);

  • Post offers to sell, offers to purchase, transmit, or link to any advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation;

  • Post or transmit information that is intentionally deceptive or deceitful;

  • Post, transmit, or link to sexually explicit or other objectionable material;

  • Impersonate any person, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

Don’t see anything petty about a method that is working. The immature threads are curbed, and no one was booted.

There are many members who are violating the rules.

What if some one wants to get banned instead of remaining on this list?

I would rather accept the “Ban” instead of remaining on this list.

^ well that’s what should have happened a while ago in my opinion. you posted a ton of vulgar posts that already went way beyond what should have been tolerated. Apparently there’s 1 board member that was super vocal against banning for some reason I still don’t understand.

Itera sir even you have used terms like “EV” .Moreover whenever i have posted something vulgar…it is mostly in reply to vulgar abuses directed at me…Please see to it.

I am perfectly ok with the ban imposed on me but please don’t discriminate against me by putting me on this list.AF should Ban people smoothly without mercy instead of mocking them by putting them on Ban watch list.

AF doesnot have options to delete or deactivate accounts either.I think the user must be allowed to delete the account with complete history …

been purposefully staying out of this whole epidsode but here are my observations:

  1. RR and the others who have posted definitely have a point about discrimination on this board. The fact that inkybinky isn’t also in the watch list is laughable. Presumably the mods think he ‘adds something’ with his shit banter

  2. XRAY is clearly a troll alter ego of another poster who disappeared about a month ago.

  3. A lot of the responses to the trolling are blatantly racist, homophobic and plainly just juvenile but, as ever with AF, that’s totally acceptable

  4. Itera is on a bit of a power trip as moderator

Don’t say that my friend other wise you will be on the Ban watch list soon.

  1. True

  2. True

  3. True

  4. I think Itera wants more control to do what’s right and actually moderate. No one has really moderated except him by closing the threads. I don’t think that’s a power trip. Overall the moderation on this forum is really weak. They never use the tools of the moderator they just continue to post about the idea of doing it.

It’s very sad that this thread is stickied. Because now this BS is permanent. Maybe a new rules thread should be created and locked?