Best complementary degree with CFA for Maximum Income

Hi Guys,

In your guys which degree in addition to CFA will lead to maximum income.

For sake of argument please donot consider factors such as interest, aptitude etc.

The Usual Suspects

1.) Top 10 MBA

2.) Top 20 MBA

3.) Top 5 Masters in Finance/Economics

4.) Actuary - FSA

5.) PhD in Quantitative Discipline - Operations Research, Maths, Finance, Statistics.

6.) Masters in Quantitative Discipline

7.) Any Other degree/certification.

Purely on income? Medicine. Go be a surgeon. Actually just skip the CFA part.

Media Studies BA

I believe that CFA-CPAs make mad scrilla.

No set of degrees will lead to “maximum income”…

dominating your job is usually the most important thing.

I know a lot of high-school-educated adults that dominate their menial job. But they ain’t going to get wealthy.


even the chief garbage man does pretty well

Actuary, if you’re looking for the best $$$/hours work ratio.

As Financial Analyst the objective is always to calculate ROI on any initiative. Try applying CFA L1 skills is calculating your future outcomes.

Well compared to his peers. It’s a local maximum not a global maximum in the lanaguage of calculus.

pimp degree

A bottom-quartile dentist makes more than a top-quartile journalist. Dominating your job only goes so far.

Be a hedge fund manager that simply buys ETF and goes on a year-long vacation.

Hey, stop selling my business model! I don’t need no compertishun!

Specialize in diseases of the rich.

Become an Affluenza Specialist

Forget degrees, just go be a plumber. I hear they make bank.

Plumber FTW