I need Career Guidance please help!

Hello everyone, I am a 22 year old female from India. I have graduated with a Hons degree in Business Studies from Lancaster University. The year of my graduation was 2013 and since then I have been looking for a job in finance industry in India. But I did not get called for a single interview for the finance related job as most of the posts required a masters level degree, CA, CS etc. Also I do not have any internships in finance. I have decided to pursue CFA Charter as I am interested in equity research and portfolio management. I have my level 1 exam in December. The problem I am facing is that will pursuing the CFA designation actually help me since it takes a long time to actually earn the charter. (Keeping in mind that in order to actually be awarded the CFA designation I need four years of equity research / portfolio management / etc experience). Therefore I’m looking for a postgraduate course which will enable me to enter the industry. I am planning to writeCFA level 2 in June before going for a post graduate course in fall 2015. Would you please be able to give some insights as to which may be good programs in UK, USA and India I can apply to considering I pass level 2. Any suggestions and advice will be appreciated. Thanks!

Why all the links to WSO?

Pic or you don’t exist.

He/she copied-and-pasted a question that he/she already asked on WSO.

Why didn’t you come to us first?

Yeah, we’re the sloppy seconds.