Any risk in asking for an extension to start date?

Hello Guys,

Do you think that asking for an extension to a start date could jeopardize an offer in anyway? Has anyone here done this before? I am welcome to all input.


yea just make sure you have a good reason. once got an extra week and other got extra 3 weeks

They probably won’t care about a week or two.

they probably wont care. If they do, theyll probably just say “we’d really prefer that you start on X date. Is that in anyway possible?” not, " WE’RE TAKING AWAY YOUR OFFER. GET OUT OF HERE"

it’s totally fine to ask, I find it nearly impossible that they will kill your offer just because you asked.

It depends when you asked. When signing the docs or a couple days after? Sure, no problem. If you’re supposed to start Monday and you’re going to ask tonight? No.

So at what length of time before the start date would it still be ok to ask for an extension?

^ There’s no right answer to this. Just ask what you want and you’ll get an answer.

At least a week. Hopefully two plus out.

I have done it myself twice at the moment of signing the docs and it was totally fine… The first was an extension of a month, the other was only for a week.