CFA relevant exp


At first glance, I’d say probably not but try the online work experience assessment:

I would say no, it wouldn’t.

I thought being an accountant could also be a relevant exp for CFA?

it looks like FP&A, which I think counts

But based on the website, you mostly need to be part of investment decision. hmm but I can see that we have quite some percentage of CFA whos doing accounting

yeah I don’t know - I’ve heard if you just word it in a CFAI way they accept, but have never gone through the process personally

Being an accountant that deals with general ledger entries all day shouldn’t count. Again, it all depends on how you describe itand how the CFAI feels with your description.

Aa for me, my experience as an auditor with a Big 4 firm in the US counted as qualifying experience because I dealt with the fair/market value of the securities that were securing trades, treasury arrangements, etc,.

So long story short, based off that description, should it count, based on my experience of dealing with these types of accountants? I think no. You craft your words carefully enough, CFAI might say yes.

Anything counts if you make it sound like it should. If it doesn’t count, make something up.

yeah this will count.