Timothy Sykes - trader ?


Recently saw the adv of [Timothy Sykes](https://www.facebook.com/timsykesfans/?hc_ref=ADS&fref=nf&ft[tn]=kC&ft[qid]=6340266951133147555&ft[mf_story_key]=-5190243030613650365&ft[ei]=AI%4038786604f5b15afffe53b20f6539c99f&ft[fbfeed_location]=1&ft[insertion_position]=1& md =0) on facebook regarding the being the trader … Did any of you work for this guy ?


you mean this day trading idiot who got incredibly lucky and who now does what any smart person who got lucky does… SELL YOUR SYSTEM. That way you dont have to keep generating returns but generate revenue from sales. Same as cramer and those bald options trading guys on CNBC.

^ lmao

I heard his mom picked the real winners.

you nail his mom bchad?


And LOL at Little Timmy Sykes.