Sanctions for Candidates not in the Program

Does anyone know what the sanction is for someone claiming to be a Candidate who is not. For example someone passes L1 and cliams to be a L2 candidate, what would CFAI do? Suspend them for a year???

^I don’t really know. But I imagine that if CFAI has bigger fish to fry.

“Passed L1” vs. “Level 2 Candidate” seems like small taters compared to “CFAI’s CEO has an inappropriate relationship with his sexcretary.”

Lol. And, calling yourself a “Level 2 Candidate” after passing Level 1 is certainly permissible as long as you’re registered for Level 2.

I think what happens is that if you apply for a job, HR is supposed to check your candidacy status with CFAI (it’s actually required if the person doing the hiring is a charterholder). If they find out that you’ve lied on your resume, that might not be so good for your chances of landing the job.

On the other hand, if you’re not looking for a job, and all you’re doing is handing out business cards that haven’t been updated properly, I think CFAI has bigger fish to fry than that.

Actually, we’ve already established this a while ago remember? We discovered CFAI will not confirm or deny anyone’s current level.

Now that you mention it, I do recall a thread where that was the conclusion (based on someone who tried). I had forgotten about that.

So I guess there you have it. There is essentially no consequence at all to lying about what level you are at, because there is no way for anyone to confirm it.

The only thing that could concievably happen is that CFAI gets asked if you are a L3 candidate when you are in fact an L2 one, is that they will day “we cannot confirm or deny it” and then turn around and investigate you. However, that would presuppose a level of organization and coordination that would be surprising for CFAI.