Who are the buyers?

From a blog I found… " And the retail investors will certainly be adding to their 401k on the strength of the government plan to nationalize everything…yep, sure buddy. So, by and large, many retail investors are probably going to pull a 2000 dot.com bust and take a hike for 3 years. So, who is buying tomorrow? Hedge funds? Are there any left that did not get margined out of busineess in the last few weeks. Lets see: 1. Being short financials and long commodities: uh, the short ban and the commodity crash pretty much margined you out of that one. 2. Great stock picking funds? Well, if they used any leverage, I don’t care how great their picks were, they are toast. 3. Billionaires? Hmmmm lets see, maybe Aubrey McLendon will buy back his 33 million shares? Hmmm… 4. Barry Rithotz: maybe good for 10% of his cash with a tight stop. 5. Cramerites: were told to put 25% of their cash in on Monday. But if they are true Cramerites, they have no cash from listening to him for 3 years. 6. Foreign investors: Petro dollars? What petrodollars? 7. Sovereign wealth funds: How has that one been working out-I don’t think I have seen a sovereign wealth fund purchase that is not down 50%. 9. Warren Buffett?: Uh, isn’t he running for Treasury Secretary for both parties? Too busy to invest. 10. Quant funds: uh, no, I don’t think their models are working anymore. 11. Mutual funds: No, sorry, when investors yank money from mutual funds they tend not to put it back for years. 12. The Federal Government-NOW THAT ONE IS A WINNER! So, who are the buyers again? "

I’m buying hand over fist! Are you shorting? LOL.

No I’m not shorting. However I’m pull 95% of my assets out of the market. I see things getting alot worst… The media can spin a depression as happening in a 2 week span. It’s not that simple. Many people are about to be fired. City and state governments are in massive debt. People owe lots of moneys aside from those who have been foreclosed…

Instead of letting the media and a lot of irrelevant BS influence you why not buy some stocks that are printing money? NLY is printing money - literally; with zero credit risk. I bought a junk bond fund yielding 27%(and am still buying, sorry). As of their last quarterly report, this fund had zero defaults and their nav was 2.5x their current share price. Consumer staples, as a whole, have never been cheaper. People gotta eat. The Eurasian index is down more than it’s ever been down EVER in a single year. It’s down more than 2 bad years in a row! It can’t go to zero. It’s yielding over 5% and trading at under 9x earnings. You should buy when there is fear & pessimism, not when everybody is happy & there is clarity. Take it slow, but buy buy buy.

Which junk bond fund? NLY … why zero credit risk? Total Cash (mrq): 1.54B Total Cash Per Share (mrq): 2.852 Total Debt (mrq): 51.84B Total Debt/Equity (mrq): 7.099 Current Ratio (mrq): 0.058 Book Value Per Share (mrq): 13.028

i have seen three or four different threads where you keep posting the same statistics… Are you fresh off a Peter Lynch book?

Me? what statistics? all statistics I post are from my own yahoo clickings and due diligence. I don’t read peter lynch. I’m not posting the fund because I’m still picking off shares from wimps and over-leveraged hedge funds. It trades 20-30k shares per day. NLY really has no credit risk. All assets are GSE mortgages explicitly guaranteed by the gov’t. It has some investments in a risky biz but the market has discounted those to less than zero. The way it makes money should be outlawed.

You can buy closed end funds consisting only of large cap stocks, managed by top institutions, for a 35% discount to NAV.

yeah… that’s insane. How about BTF. 25% discount, Largest holding is Berkshire. It pays a 35% dividend… monthly TAX FREE (because it’s return of your own capital)! FREAKY.

Bought shares in Unicredit…very sweet deal

virginCFAhooker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Me? what statistics? all statistics I post are > from my own yahoo clickings and due diligence. I > don’t read peter lynch. > > I’m not posting the fund because I’m still picking > off shares from wimps and over-leveraged hedge > funds. It trades 20-30k shares per day. > > NLY really has no credit risk. All assets are GSE > mortgages explicitly guaranteed by the gov’t. It > has some investments in a risky biz but the market > has discounted those to less than zero. The way > it makes money should be outlawed. Not you - Ptrainer