FRA Difficulty Problem

I’m having a lot of difficulty with the FRA section. All other levels are fine even the derivatives isn’t that bad compared to FRA. Does anyone have tips and advice on how to approach this section? I’m an Econ major and don’t find the other sections really hard and I’m using the Qbanks as well and the only section I’m struggling is FRA.

Just wanted to see if anyone is having the same issue and what advices you have?

Thanks a lot

Do you know more specifically what it is about FRA that you’re struggling with? Do the concepts not make sense or is it moreso related to being able to remember the various standards?

Feel free to send me a PM, should be able to help you with FRA questions.

practice problems…lots of them.

The hardest topics are income taxes, leases and amortixed bonds and the best way to learn these is to repeatedly do questions and review. At least that’s what I’m doing - reviewing can take a while so make sure to put some time aside!

I wrote some articles that may be of some help here:

Thanks S2000

My pleasure.

Thanks a lot, I will go through each one :slight_smile:

Hi sglondon, thanks for the reply. It seems to be on the whole the whole section is really hard most notably though remembering what I’m supposed to do in each scenerio even though I have practiced a lot. Maybe should start focusing only on this section and forget about the others for now.