Test center code help

I failed my L1 June '14 exam. I am applying for retabulation. In the form, I need to fill in my test center code. But the admit card is no longer available. Any way in which I can access it?

BOM :- Mumbai . Why retab?

I gave the exam from Ahmedabad. And i guess it’s a number code not alphabets. Failed band 10 man. And i filled up the OMR in last 10mins in paper 1. So maybe I didn’t fill up the bubbles dark enough. so retab. Just another 100$ investment with almost nil probability. :confused:

As far as I know test center codes were BOM, CHE, BLR etc… Bombay, Chennai, Blore etc…

I was a Band 10 in L3 last year, so I know how you feel. Good luck with whatever you decide.

I am sure you have already learnt it - make sure you darken the answers immediately and dont wait for after you finished everything.

Yes… I’ve learnt my lesson now… Missed filling up around 10 solved Qs in the OMR plus around 25 unsolved Qs. :frowning:

Btw, any idea of the center code for Ahmedabad?

I think they try and copy the three letter airport code for wherever you test. Maybe try that?