Have i messed this up?

Hi all just want to get some feedback and any possible advice you can give.

Have taken off 7 days until the exam on dec 6th and I’ve only just gone through the material twice and done half of all qbanks straight after each reading averaging 80%.

Let’s be honest - do I stand any chance with this and if I do, what further questions to hit first.

Yes I know I’ve left it late… had other commitments.

I’ve studied for the last 4 months and the results are more or less the same… keep going and do as many tests as possible. another great site is analystnotes.com- they have many tests available

Be sure you review everything and take practice tests. Part of the issue that I’ve had is that even though I smoked econ the first time through, it becomes apparent that I haven’t studied it intensively in two months.

Went through the amterial twice? That is pretty good.

Historically, I go through the material once, no EOCs, then I do allt he EOCS and Mocks in the last 2 weeks leading up to the exam.

I think you are in good shape.

Thank you for the little confidence boost there dwheats

never say die!

I have just completed 2Mocks of CFAI and Planning for 8 more in upcoming days …On average I’m scoring 70-75 %…Am i good enough??/