Recommendations on how to prepare the exam

Hi. I’m a 26 years old worker who’s going to do the first level exam on next december. I would like to receive advice on how to prepare the exam. I work until 8pm every day, so I don’t have o much time to study. I read quickly the program, and I think the first part (ethic and standards) is quite long and difficult to remember appropriately. Some friends of mine suggested me to prepare this part not from the official curriculum, but from Schesers book, because these are more shortly and easier to study. I just ask you your opinions about it. Thank you

Kaplan Schweser books are fine as long as you have them updated (the same year of the exam). I read ethics from Schweser and scored 50-70% on the Dec 2014 exam level 1. The same for the rest of topics.

The problem here is that if you are slow on reading you must be disciplined and constant, practice alot and try to study everyday at least 1 or 2 hours. You must solve the CFA mocks and previous mocks, solve the end of chapter excersices and if you can purchase the Qbank, even better.


I wrote up this guide, you might find it useful: