New topics on CFA Level I 1014 compared with 2015

Hello, I m preparing for the june exam for the second time and was surprised by a new topic in Fixed Income. Do u have an idea about the new topics and the differences between the 2014curriculum and 2015? if there is a specific list that I should know about…please share it with me. Thanks in advance for ur help. Sun

I think you can find out in the CFAI webpage, if not at least the weights are listed there, so you can start with those topics to compare the changes.

If you have the 2014 and 2015 books you can contrast them topic by topic, reading by reading.


Just go to google and search for 2015 CFA level 1 corriculum changes, you will see the changes.

For Fixed Income, Asset Backed Securities (ABS) was introduced.

Derivatives was reduced to 3 readings, Derivative Markets and Instruments, Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation and Risk Management Application of Option Strategies. {(Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation) was added, while Forward Markets and Contracts, Futures, Options and Swap Markets were deleted}

FRA:Financial reporting Quality and Accounting Shenanigans on the Cash Flow Statements were deleted (Financial Reporting Quality was added).

Quantitatives: Only the examples were updated.

Every other part of the corriculum remained unchanged.