Dec 2015 Study Plan

Hey guys,

Registered for Level 1 in December and I am trying to develop a study plan.

I am worried about studying too early, as there are roughly 200 days until the exam. Would studying this early be advantagous, or would it just be that much easier to lose information down the road?

What would be the best way to develop a study plan?

Thanks in advance.

I did level I in Dec. 2013 and I started around this time. I don’t think it’s too early, but you should give yourself a little extra time to review because it will have been almost 8 months since you did the first material by the time you write the test.

My method was I started with Quant, then went through and finished with Ethics. Ethics is important and involves a lot of memorization so that’s why I finished with it. Some of the stuff in Quant lays down the groundwork for later things (like time value of money) so don’t skip it.

I left a month for review, although I think leaving about 5 or 6 weeks would be better. I wrote one mock to see where I was at after the curriculum (55%), and then over the course of the month through reviewing the 11th hour guide, making flashcards, and doing lots of mocks and reviewing them, I was able to get my mocks up to mid-70’s, which is probably around where I scored in the real thing.

Coming back to Quant after 7 months was a bit of a stretch, but after some review it all came back. Starting earlier is always a good idea in my opinion, as long as you give yourself enough time at the end to rehash it all.

I started around mid-may. Certainly couldn’t hurt to go ahead and start studying now. The quicker you get through the material the more time to review. And the review/mocks is when everything really comes together.