CFA Scoring


I was curious to know if any of you have any idea as to what score shoudl we strive to get. I know the more you get, the better it is…

Just was curious in knowing as to around how many quesions in 120 ques is required to be correct.

My score is around 75 right answers in 120. so basicall 62-65% range. I am really tensed as m reviewing my papers as well but still m not exceeding this mark.

ANyone else in this situation and how are you feeling?

I think you should be getting 80% in mock exams to feel 95% confident.

Getting 70% I would only feel 50% confident.

62-65% I would really be doing nothing but CFA for the next 17 days, approx 20% confident

L1 is 120 questions now? it used to be 240… dang

Not picking up your sarcasm, maybe, but it was 240 as of this past December wink. I think he means out of each half of the exam.