Chuck Norris

  1. Chuck Norris uses Soft Dollars for his own use.
  2. Chuck Norris says, “I’m a CFA” and gets away with it.
  3. Chuck Norris passed each level on his first attempt. Without studying.

On M. Cfa business card we can read: Cfa, CHUCK NORRIS

Chuck Norris wrote the Code and standards, in one day.

Chuck norris doesn’t use US Gaap or IFRS, he uses USFRS

Chuck Norris sat for 1 hour of the alloted time at each level and got the charter in one day

Chuck Norris’ tears cure multicollinearity, too bad Chuck Norris doesn’t cry

Treynor Black worries that they’ll have to perform Chuck Norris calculations on the exam.

Chuck Norris has the highest Single Monthly Mortality rate…EVER.

my fav thus far, you will pass L2 for sure


Chuck Norris doesn’t study the Quant section…He doesn’t make estimations.

Chuck Norris has every mock from every year but has never taken one…not even once.

Chuck Norris uses the CFA only as a noun

Chuck Norris doesn’t value companies…companies value Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn’t use Breusch-Pagan, because he knows that all skedasticity is hetero.

The CFA made a special set of exams for Chuck Norris with no default risk assumptions as no one doesn’t pay Chuck Norris back.

Chuck Norris actually understands what the CFAI is trying to teach in the pension section

Chuck norris takes all 3 cfa level exams the same day and awards himself the charter the following day

When valuing Healthcare REIT’s, “Chuck Norris” used to be one of the Importance Factors as his presence in the local economy inflated hospital revenues by approximately 1500%. Knowing where he is going to be next is theoretically considered material nonpublic information but is not testable by the CFAi as noone can know where Chuck Norris is going to be next.

Loved it cool

Contrary to popular belief, the S&P 500 & Nasdaq indicies are not driven by supply and demand, but rather they go up and down based on Chuck Norris’ mood.