Failed Level 1, passed level 2 on first attempt, my story...

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Sounds like me… I passed L1 after multiple attempts but L2 1st try.

Yeah, there’s been more stories about passing than expected but I think the main takeaway from these (to new L2 candidates) is to find common themes among them - ask yourself what do most people who pass have in common?


Thank You! I am going to show this to my fiance… John Harris is the man! He is the best teacher I have ever had without a doubt! I have already started studying for level 2. I know that is crazy, but like you said, I cannot pick up a book two months before and pass these tests. My results for L1 were great, and it was due to the fact that I put in the time. I want to do even better for L2.

Great Bro…You have done it…

thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks man! This post is great!

Great post !!! I’m on it bro… smiley