Kaplan Book 5 Derivatives Caplet for 2 Period Question LOS 53.B

Kaplan materials in book 5, study session 15, page 75: How do they calculate the portfion of 2nd Capiet value that is 333,094? thanks

Sorry, study session 17.

I don’t have the books but one way to calculate the value of a cap is if you have options.

Remember, a cap is similar to a call options and a floor is is similar to a put option.

Two Year Call + One Year Call = Two Year Cap

A cap is a series of calls on interest rates.


I’m wondering the same thing as the OP.

Step 2 it says add the two values together to get the value of the cap. The two calculated values are $233,513 and $113,356.

However the next line reads:

“Value of 2-year cap = $113,356 + $333,094 = $446,450”

Where did the “$333,094” come from?

p. 75 Book 5

Login to your schweser account and read the errata filed pertaining to this page. There’s a PDF file showing you the correct stuff…