Mental Supplements

Does anyone take mental supplements to study? I usually take a GNC under the tounge 1000mg B12; maybe it has a placebo effect on me, but it really helps me focus.

Does anyone else take any meds? I have heard people take adderall, but I am too scared to ever try it.

Please don’t move it to Water Cooler, I want to see the reaction of other L2 candidates (my peers) rather than the general public.

Re: Adderall

I think it can be a wonderful tool (if you have a prescription) for the absorption of materials & concepts for those who suffer from ADHD. But it doesn’t really help, and can actually hurt, with respect to recall.

I will say that Adderall isn’t very useful for taking exams IMO. In fact, it can be detrimental. I have a legal precription for adult-onset ADHD, but I purposely skipped my dose on exam day. I can make you too focused and can prevent some people (i.e. me) from being able to move past a problem. I learned that the hard way during mocks at level 2 when I would look down at the clock and I would have 3 item sets to go with 20 minutes left.

You are not the first guy here - this other bro, greenman, i think he didnt suffer from any disorder; just got that med somewhere and swore by it.

I dont know. No effects from gingko nor b-complex for me. I usually learn with focus xt which contains quite some caffeine and fish oil. regular work out. I am not a believer in the no-fap theory. no way.

A multi-vitamin, Omega 3-6-9, a good diet, and exercise.

But if you want to go the study-drug route, I recommend Dexedrine. I’ve heard Adderall can make you feel ‘high’ while Dexedrine (for me, anyways) just makes me a little more focused; especially during long study sessions or when you didn’t get any sleep the night before (i.e. exam day)

Provigil. Its nothing like adderall because it is not an amphetamine so it doesnt wack you out. It is standard issue for military pilots and pricey as hell although I think generics have become recently available.


I would never have considered pharmaceutical enhancements for studying.

I can visualize in a few years the standard proctor script being revised to include:

“Today we are also conducting random drug tests. Please have your arm ready and don’t scream when we draw blood for this random test.”

I’ll claim anemia affected my results adversely lol


+1 on Adderall.

Adderall, ritalin, etc are amphetamines. They’re great for focusing your attention if you have a problem, but up the dose a bit and you can’t think laterally to solve problems. If you need them, take them, if you don’t I think it will be more a hinderance than a help.

Provigil is a different case, but whatever you try, it’s only going to help you remain awake, alert, etc. longer, not motivate you to study hours when you want to go out, play Xbox, or whatever.

Provigil is expensive Rital et al is bad for your health, I prefer a long term theraputic approach


Morning is the most important time of the day to optimize brain function, I took 500ml Beyond Tangy Tangerine Vitamin drink, avoided grains and eat lots of fatty acids ( i.e free range eggs, fish oil, Grass Fed yogurt with fruit and nuts) Morning supplements included 4 Alpha Brain, 1 focus Formula, and 2 Shroom Tech Caplets (Cordyceps Mushrooms).

I took 2 more Alpha Brain and 1 Focus Formula afterwork to keep the momentum going, this allowed to get 3 hours of study per day 4 days a week 6-8 hours sat/sun for 7 months.

I felt energized the day of the exam and didn’t suffer the ill effects of the post-exam crash.

‘slow but steady wins the race’

5 hour energy…carried with me on exam day, had one before the morning session and two during the afternoon session; avoided the long starbucks Q during lunch and I think it helped.

I have had it multiple times before so know it had no immediate effects on me, am just sharing my experience and not recommending it to anyone cause it has different reactions on others.

Seriously? Effective?

I used to believe in taking herbs like Gingko, Brahmi, Iron for my Uni exams until I almost blacked out in one of the exams from overdose of iron tablets.

So for the CFA, I think mental supplements don’t really help. Just a good diet and regular exercise and the CFA material requires constant study and understanding. Nothing too magical is req’d with pills and potions.

Shocked there is a need for medical supplements for the exam!

Way better is some exercises and even better if you can learn to meditate and relax.

I’m prescribed Concerta for ADD. So I wouldn’t count that as a “PED” (for those who follow American sports cheeky). I do agree that proper exercise and diet is the most important factor for sustained long-term performance on these exams.

Doesn’t mean that I didn’t pound a five hour energy right before the afternoon session!

Tons of nootropics tried but only one element tries true - patience

Adderall thins the bones, dries the organs. As a person with actual ADD through 22 years of life before placing my East Euro tribal pride where it belongs - in the ground, buried, covered, lost but not forgotten I can say with confidence that adderall ‘changed my life’ until the physical effects manifest. It’s suttle and it starts with acne and doesn’t end with respitory issues; a consequence of any diuretic - especially legal meth. If one insists on adderall, then drink atleast 1.5 gallons throughout the day and supplement with raw egg yolk.

Raw egg yolk contains unadultured and full amino acid profile that includes the choline which turns into acetyl-choline - necessary in neuroplasticity. That provigil, modafinil heachache? That’s an A-Choline deficiency and adderall does the same. Eat natural, eat right and take deep breaths. Meditate or nap or call it whatever pleases your ego but take time (seconds to hours) to close your eyes and ‘believe’ in yourself. Drink a gallon of water throughout the day with the aid of habit tracking and goal apps.

Side note: Nicotine and acetylcholine are best friends. Actually, nicotine aids in neuroplasticity. Vaping works. Gum is even healthier.

Avoid more than 1 stimulant at a time. That tingly sensation on one side of your face? Yes, that’s what a stroke feels like at first…

Like anything, or rather, like money - spend it frivilously without education and knowledge and it’s gone forever. The same goes for your brains processing power and neuro-chemical capabilities. Trust me, I spent 6 months hacking my brain. Know what that got me on L1? Not a pass…but more knowledge on nootropics, neuroplasticity, nutrition and mental well-being than any one should need.

Jeez. Who invited captain buzzkill

I only take Piracetam.

Honestly, diet and exercise should be all you need. Weight lifting + cardio 4x/week has helped my ADHD immensly.

I would never ever take drugs to study.

Don’t mistake the lack of self-discipline for brain functioning issues.

If you suffer from ADHD, you probably need to address that, so to each his own, but in that case I don’t think you should look for info on a finance-related public board. :slight_smile: