Currency Exchange Rates - Valuing a forward contract

hello, i’am just wondering about the valuation formula for future contracts given in the Schweser Notes:

(FP(t) - FP)*contract size --> the adjustment for time in the denominator is not my focus so i leave that out in the formula.

Applying this formula to an example (#4) given in the curriculum on page 492 leads me to a wrong result, because in their solution they use

(FP - FP(t))*contract size

which results in an positive numerator (80,000) whereas my numerator is negative (-80,000) due to the switched components in the formula.

Where is my mistake?

Is this the value to the long or to the short?

The example says that a client hedged a long exposure to the NZD by selling NZD forward against the USD. They ask for the clients value 90 days prior to settlement.