CFA Level II Ethics practice question


I am looking at practice questions for CFA Level II exam and am not sure why the following does not violate Standard VII:

A charterholder tells a prospective client that, “The CFA charter is the highest credential in the global investment management industry.”

First of all, you are a brave man to already start studying for L2.

It’s not a violation because it’s the truth!

If anything I would worry about your AF name if I was you…jameslcfa?

that question is from 2009. there have been 2 editions of the handbook published since then.

for this question you are asked to pick the biggest violation from three choices, although it is certainly stretching the truth, another answer is supposedly worse.

because highest “credentials” does’nt imply or guarantee higher returns than others…

You are right jammannt32.

I will change my AF name

Preach it man!