Reading 47 How to calculate the market value for FRA

Practice Problem Page 49 Question 9 Sub Section C

Given 135 days Interest Rate is 5.90%

Given 315 days Interest Rate is 6.15%

We caluclated 6 X 12 FRA to be 6.03% in Part B

9© Cal the market value of this FRA based on NP of $10M.

My work



Value=(0.062003-0.0603)*(180/360)*10M = 8515 Book Answer is $8100

What is wrong?

I havnt checked that particular example but perhaps because you havn’t discounted the payoff back to the present? The value of $8515 is the future value that will be paid at the end of 315 days.

8515 / (1+(0.0615*315/360)) = 8080 … approx 8100 that you have…

Thank you so much. Appreciate your response.