Most difficult topics in level II and stratgies

Hi all,

I just wanna ask your opinion on which is/are the most difficult topics in level II?

I have heard that derivatives/FRA are the most difficult.

And also, since FRA and Equity have the heaviest weight in the exam, would it be a good idea to focus more time in these two topics? Yes, of course I understand that in level II it is vital to get every topic learnt since if you miss a topic u could risk not knowing how to do a whole item set.

For those who are retaking the exam, could you please kindly share some experience on what you think you could have done better or what you ll do differently this time preparing for the exam??

Thank you for your kind opinion:)

Bad idea…because i had mastering FRA,Equity,Derivatives & Quant on june 2015 (got >70% for the results) but still cannot passed the exam.

Equity is probably one of the easier topics on the exam but definitely not something you should overlook. I’d put in the most time on FRA, fixed income and corp fi. Derivatives is difficult and you could spend months trying to master it. In terms of best bang for your buck of study time I think FRA, fixed and corp fi are worth putting extra time into. Also I would spend extra time on any new readings for this year as those are often tested

I am so relieve they removed ‘Capped & Floored’ on reading 45 (Bond with embedded Options) --> make life easier.

For me, the most ‘time consuming’ topic last year was Intercorporate Investments (FRA).

u must be very very close to passing it!

u ll do it this time!

I see, its dec and i have just started reading FRA notes very slowly. So far they do not seem to be too complicated but im sure the item set ll be difficult especially when all of the different topic adds up. And I found that the amount of time required to read the notes is more than doubled compared with level I…maybe its still some time till the exam and I am more relaxed so it feels better. In level I i started really late and I had to read like 20+ page every single day after work in order to finish the notes, hopefully i have enough time this time