2011 AM Exam - forwards & duration

Two questions…

8C. To calculate the profit on the forward contract, why is it okay to assume that the forward price at 3 months is the same as the spot price at 3 months? If you look at the way this type of problem is done in Schweser Book 4 Page 122 and CFAI Volume 5 page 292, they provide spot and futuress price for today and for period t (for each). So I was expecting to see a Ft in addition to a St.

9C. Interest rate management effect includes duration, convexity, and YC shape. The chart only shows interest rate management effect (without the breakouts of each) and shows that duration was -.08 (and the manager says he adds value via duration effects). Why is the answer not “cannot determine with information provided”? Duration may have been positive while the other two effects could have been more negative than duration was positive–we just don’t know withotu the breakouts. Does anyone agree?

For 8c ques:

the exam question give you 3 months future and the spot after 3 months (the future now become the spot or future 0 = spot = 0.8…)

in CFAI page 293, they give you future delivery at december and says “few weeks later…” it is actually at time t or it means some where at late Sep or early Oct…and ofcause, future price (delivery in Dec still exist) at this time will be given…

differrentiate at time t and at expired