Stress leading to the test

Every year, leading to the exam, I start feeling sick. Every year, I research my symptoms online and come up with a new and different diagnosis. For example, this year I was certain I had gall stones as of the last week in May. I had cramps in my abdomen which woke me up at night, night sweats, and a constant headaches. However, this year (unlike in past years), I also considered the fact that I was not only extremely stressed about the exam; but also that my lifestyle leading to the exam is extremely unhealthy. I tend to sleep less than I should, eat unhealthy food (fast food instead of cooking), and I gradually transform from a fairly active person to a study junkie. By the last two weeks or so, the word moderation is completely removed from my vocabulary.

My lifestyle changes drastically after the test. Exercise gets added back into the mix. Fast food removed from diet, etc… Every year, my symptoms go away, and my life returns to “normal”. Most who are serious about the exam are probably more withdrawn leading to the exam. But does anyone else experience the physical pre-test symptoms?

For me, the level of pre-exam stress depends on the overall context at the moment. If I have a job, feel comfortable in my skin and have a sense of purpose, studying and knowledge absorption tends to be quite smooth and i would regard cooking/non exam realted issues as ‘therapy’ .If the opposite is true,i get similar issues as you…

While studying for level 2 the first time. I was disoriented and got terrible headache every time I tried to read the books. At that time I was pregnant and had read that the baby is eating your braincells (e.g. fat) for development of the babies brains. so I started to eat a lot of fatty fish and took omega oil capsules too. and it helped. the headache was gone. yet I failed band 10.

i eat unhealthy food and live unhealthy lifestyle regardless of exam or not…

not sure if should be happy for not having pre-test symtoms or sad for living like a crap to begin with…

kinda know how you feel. i voted for obama and i’ve been feeling crappy for the last 3 and a half years.

I don’t get physically ill, but get very close to losing it every year. Stomach pain from anxiety. Way too much coffee screws up my adrenal system, never enough sleep, not eating healthy, not eating enough… Start to feel terrible, then a week after the test, it all goes away.

That’s funny, I get the same crappy feeling everytime I hear Mitt Romney talk about the awesome Republican ideas to turn this country into the next Ireland.

thats funny. I felt same way. starting feeling sick reading a book. ate unhealthy, never worked out. I ended up going to the gym the last week before exam to get out of my house. i looked in the mirror at the gym, and first words out of my mouth " I look like a cancer patient"

Glad to see im not only one to go through this in pain.

The thing that adds even more stress for me is when people TRY to help by saying “Oh, Im sure you’ll pass, your smart.” If they only knew!

Whats that saying…“It’s better to not take the CFA and be assumed average, than to take the CFA and remove all doubt.” hah!

I can my feel veins start to close up when I gorge on Popeyes deep fried chicken.

But seriously, the only time I felt sick was at L2. AM was so freaking hard it made me nauseous and want to hurl. Then afternoon was far easier and I felt better

you might. but taking the austerity pain and dealing with reality is how every major country has turned themselves around through history. i don’t see people complaining about the austerity that the Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam) went through in '98 when they had negative 20% GDP and massive unemployments. not dealing with the problems and dribbling out stimulus after stimulus as temporary band-aids on the problem, just delays the final adjustment and fix at the end of the day.

I don’t see how borrowing a huge sum of money every 2-3 years from China to pay for teachers/cops/firefighters that cannot be supported on a fundamental basis by the underlying tax paying capacity of the localities (due to declining home values/tax property values) makes sense on a sustainable basis. Obama’s plan to do that is literally a negative return on investment borrowing from China at ~1-2% and paying $122,000 per new job (according to CBO numbers) which only generate salaries of $43k per year at a tax rate of ~20%. That is a 14 year payback period at best and most likely a negative return on investment – according to all the analysis I’ve seen.

If you are under the age of 40, unencumbered by significant liabilities, and a healthy person who has the capacity to earn an income in excess of $30k per year in the US you are definitely voting against your own economic interests by supporting Obama. And fundamentally, I think you are voting against the economic interests of the broader US and middle class at the end of the day (which I realize is a debatable issue). I just don’t see how an economic-class-warfare agenda (Obama) whereby different parts of the population tear each other apart over a shrinking economic pie is advantageous in the long-term. Given his squandering of the wealth of the US based on the failed ideas of a 1920’s economic policy driven by Larry Summers… that’s all we can expect, apparently.

The physical and mental stress is such a part of the whole CFA experience. Throw in the element of uncertainty and perceived unfairness and you have a perfect receipe for what is afflicting our markets nowadays anyway.

I get terrible kanker sores in the months prior to the exam. They literally dissapear when the exam is over. I love being able to eat and drink pain free right now.