Schweser Qbank for Level III

Hi guys,

Would you recommend to go through the Schweser Qbank questions for Level III?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

I mainly used the QBank for review of certain topics. If I wasn´t able to motivate myself for mock exams after office hours, I took one or two random quizzes. Nice to have, but no need to…

Thanks for your comment, Bremen74!

i think level 1 is the only level where its a good idea to use the qbank extensively, they don’t write good item set questions and for L2 & 3 the qbank questions are way too easy to be useful for exam prep.

Having said that, the qbank is useful at L3 for the ethics questions, particularly the Asset Manager Code, and also if you want to really hammer a certain part of a reading that’s light on blue boxes and EOC questions.

^^ 100% … Focus on EOC / CFA past morning papers / CFA PM mocks …

agree… the questions sometimes seem irrelevant to the topic studied, either too easy to give a fake ego boost or too difficult to get you down for the day

Many thanks for your answers, guys!

Qbank is a waste of time. You need to practice answering questions in an essay format which means practicing speed, good handwriting, and to-the-point answers (none of that college exam stroyline BS answers)

Stick to EOC questions and mock exams.

Nuff said.

YoMo, while its true for preparation about the AM session, you need some sort of practise for PM session as well mate. So Qbank or something (I used finquiz personally, which has got mixed reviews) is needed right? Since we dont have too many item sets for practise?

Sooraj - Since you actually used recently, what was your impression of the FinQuiz materials?


  1. You get the materials early.

  2. Around 4 mock exams given

  3. Cheapest available on the market.

  4. Wonderful summary notes.

  5. You can print item set questions separately and test yourself and leave alone the stand alone questions if you are not interested.


  1. The are errors sometimes in the mocks and practise questions.

  2. Too many standalone questions are just there which make not much sense by testing extremely trivial material.

  3. Mocks are some of the toughest and may not be representative of the exam level. I only managed to score the range of around 69-72% with Finquiz mocks. But could cross 75+ on schweser mocks. (though I actually started with schweser mocks then moved to finquiz mocks:)).

I used finquiz for l2 and continued it to l3 and am comfortable with them. But yes those errors in the mocks/questions can be a quite irritating.

Maybe next time they have a mega sale (like the $160 for everything they just had) - I’ll pick it up.

Do you plan to start studying in July for a test in June the following year? Then why ask the question in July…

Maybe OP wants to take advantage of “early bird pricing” and save a little bit of money. Maybe you need not worry about when he/she will start studying.

WYL, I never let friendless losers behind a message board like youself control what I am going to say, certainly not going to start now.

“friendless loser” - coming from the bitter bitch that can’t stand the wait for another four days. thanks for the laugh. I needed one today.

I certainly didn’t try to control what you were saying. Just pointing out that you have bigger and more important things to worry about than when someone is going to start studying. Here’s to you and your well deserved Band 10 that’s coming on tuesday (wishful thinking). Cheers!

I believe if one practices the EOC Qs and does “just good” on mock exams, one should be able to easily solve the PM session.

I have to say that I am really shocked to see people stating that the PM session was much harder than the AM one!

I am one of those people who found the AM session to be just as difficult as the mock exams (pressured with time, and left 18 points worth of questions unanswered) but breezed through the PM session.

For each their own mate. I am slightly in the same situation as yours… Finished PM in 2 hours, but there were some which I dont know whether I did correctly or not. And there were too many people talking about tricks in the PM, I didnt pick up much of those tricks.

Well we all will know in a couple of days anyway. Good luck everyone!

I found QBank completely useless outside of refreshing my memory on some of the ethics questions.

Thanks for your further feedback, guys!