Only one out of every two of you will make it

Sorry to dissapoint you guys but no matter how hard you study for this exam the fact is only 1 out of every 2 of you writing the level 3 will pass, so better luck next year.

maybe you’ll be one of the retakers.

Sorry to disappoint you Traderanalyst but you’re Canadian so your opinion doesn’t count.

Wow. I’m notoriously hard on L1 candidates, but even I’m not this much of an a**hole.

Hes right on the “only one out of two” part, but wrong on the “no matter how much you study” part. The more you study the better your chances of passing. So study your best and finish strong!

Assuming you are a level 3 candidate, I have made the corrections for you.

Well at least all of them are giving themselves a chance unlike yourself. I took three attempts at the big Level 3 and so was worth it. I am one of those success stories. Just landed an IB job as well mainly through having the charter on my CV.

i wish everyone the best of luck and just go for it.

This just in : we’re all gonna die one day.

But thank you for contributing ; would read again.

Cool post bro, thanks for self identifying yourself as an a**hole. That was your point, right?

Sorry to hear you wont be taking L3 with the rest of us, better give yourself an extra year to fine tune your trolling.


cool post… made my day… needed the laugh…

What exactly is a “trader analyst” anyways?

id be willing to bet the pass % of people that read that post is much higher than 50%

I see the CFA has taught you how to interpret simple statistics (e.g. 50% pass rate = 1 out of 2 pp)

But not have to think critically. The pass rate is an average. The average CFA candidate studies 300 hours. Thus, if I study 500 hours I have a higher probability of passing all else equal.

Your 1st grade teacher has also failed. Glass half full or half empty?

3rd book already in my rear view mirrow. You’re are right, but don’t worry about a stat and instead focus that energy on putting yourself in the best position you can come June. The test is cumbersome and difficult but you knew this going in. Hard work and persistance my friend, it pays off in the long end.

Wait, Canada has nothing to do with that! He’s an impostor!!!

This dude did not take into account conditional probablity, a.k.a using Bayes’ formula.

The passing rate is higher among AF members. I have no scientific study to back it up though.


No need to be a t**t mate