2017 FRM Exam Part I Books

2017 FRM Exam Part I Books

This 4-volume set of materials costs USD 250 at the GARP website.

I want to know whether these are summaries/simplified versions of the original assigned readings.

If I only read this set of materials, do I miss any important concept of the original assigned readings?

Thank you very much in advance.

The GARP volume set are the full readings that are assigned. So if it says Chapter 1 of Hull’s options textbook, you get the chapter 1 of Hull’s options textbook in its entirety. So you won’t miss anything that is specified in the curriculum with the GARP volume set. That said, it can be confusing to read GARP’s books as you will be reading 1 chapter of a textbook and then the next reading is a different chapter in a different textbook, so the flow of reading feels jumpy and discontinuous at times. There are also some readings where the math notation presented is different than previously seen, as the textbooks are all written by different authors… There are also very few practice questions provided in the GARP volume set. This is why most people would recommend a prep provider for the FRM exam, as the material has better flow/consistency, less minutiae, and more practice questions.