Fixed Income trading ideas

I am maybe interviewing in a fund, being a quant on the sell side I do not generate trade ideas, anyone has a few trade ideas (maybe from public research or sell side research) that I could discuss about in the case I would be asked a question about this topic ?

Short high yield?

What about some common stuff like “riding the yield curve”? Or maybe the “fallen angels” concept with bonds downgraded to sub-IG??

how to hedge an mbs bond devil

Sell all the EUR bonds you can and buy US treasuries…

It’s been non-agency MBS for the last 18 months, the big guys can’t get too involved there. ABS could be interesting relative to others (if I’m trading my PA). Floating rate is way overdone.

Are you saying this purely due to currency effect? Because it seems to me that interest rates are more likely rise in the US than the Eurozone. If so, why not just trade the currency?

I mean, if EUR is yielding less than USD, just borrow in EUR and buy USD to collect the yield. If USD rates increase, yeah your m2m will go down, but the point is to collect the yield until the trade expires. You will lose money if USD depreciates against the EUR, but odds seem to be against that.