
I am not sure how many of you are familiar with emerging markets but just as a brief background India is a country that abandoned it’s central policy planning a good two decades after China. The chinese economy has been growing at a sustained pace since the 70’s and India since the 90’s. There are marked differences where India seems to have jumped from a agarian economy to a service based one with no manufacturing, China has taken the more traditional route. Despite the differences there are slight similarities especially in the online market place.

The point of all this is that with the success of Alibaba there is a company that resembles baba in it’s infancy stages and is based out of Bangalore, India known as Flipkart. They have recently announced that they have raised close to one billion and this sector seems to be going from strength to strength and with Amazon announcing that they will be entering aggressively soon and rumors of Alibaba entering the Indian market through the acquisition of a company known as snapdeal things seem to be heating up.

Does anyone have any opinions on this sector and how all this might pan out?

Flipkart seems to be a great company run by very talented people. I think it will take time for a firm like AMZN to really put down roots in India, but OTOH, I am not sure I want to be competing with AMZN…fwiw.

Long AMZN btw.

Good call. Amazon seem to be going all out now and Jeff Bazos was recently in the country outlining a detailed plan to break Flipkart’s dominance.