Top Five Accounting Mistakes by Analysts

Courtesy of the CFA Institute blog:

  1. Using Generalized Financial Statements

  2. Not Understanding the Reflexibity/Interactivity of the Three Major Financial Statements

  3. Not Creating Apples to Apples Comparisons in Time

  4. Note Adjusting Statements for Distortions

  5. Not Reading the Footnotes

Good article.

I should check that CFA blog more. Seems to have some good stuff on it.

Great article. I’ve actually caught similar shennanigns made be companies AND accounting firms when developing models/reviewing statements. In my opinion, some of the best analysts have an excellent working knowledge of the statements and notes.

A pet peeve of mine has been that my model results have to mirror the reported results of the company, even if I get a different number using their numbers. Sometimes I copy the table directly from the release and the numbers just don’t produce what they claim to produce (and it is consistenly off several bps). But I guess if it doesn’t match, then people think we are the ones off because everyone else is pulling in the as reported data

When I was in IR, we calculated everything (growth rates, margins, etc) in unrounded dollars but reported in millions. So, the math didn’t always foot.

If we re-calculated everything in millions, we would unnecesarily force ourselves to learn two sets of numbers and potentially open ourselves up to management looking silly by quoting a wrong number. It’s a whole lot easier to just use one set of numbers.