HCB Prerequisites

Here are my prerequisites before any woman can even be considered an HCB.

The obvious prerequisites:

  1. Beautiful and sexy.

  2. Was born a woman.

The contentious prerequisites:

  1. No tats, anywhere.

  2. Doesn’t smoke.

  3. I would be proud to introduce her to my parents.

  4. Can swear occasionally, but doesn’t need to swear to make a point.

  5. Isn’t one of these women who wears sneakers to the office and then changes into her high heels when she gets there. I’m not saying women should just take the pain, just saying it’s not a classy look. Woman are instantly less attractive to me when I see them do this. Just saying. I see guys do this as well (suite and sneakers) and I think it looks ridiculous.

  6. Well educated. Not in an academic way (though that’s a plus), but she’s well read and is interested and knowledgeable in world affairs, has opinions and can articulate them.

I’m sure there’s loads more but that’s a start.

number 5 I object…nothing unclassy or wrong about it…

I agree with #5. Women are not sexy when they do that. Most that do it are moms and are no longer on the market anyway, so I guess they don’t care.

It’s a fashion faux pas.

Have you tried running for a subway in high heels? It might make more sense after you’ve done that.

I don’t particularly like the look either, particularly when it’s white sneakers and dark stockings, but I think the ladies deserve a little sympathy on that note.

a women who is willing to wear shoes over heels in unsuitable situation shows brains…how stupid a women most be to want to please all the time? usually up to nothing good…

I don’t understand the no tats anywhere thing a lot of you guys have. Maybe it’s a cultural thing.

So, by that metric the following are not HCBs due to the Classy requirement because they have a tattoo:

Megan Fox

Cate Blanchet (kind of ridiculous to eliminate her for unclassyness)

Anna Kournikova

Charlize Theron

Kate Hudson

Reese Witherspoon

Lucy Liu

Gwyneth Paltrow

Penelope Cruz

…and I’m sure tons and tons more. I found these with a 5 minutes search.

having a tat does not disqualify you as classy…as i have mentioned…there is no set rules per se…just tats are in general unclassy but can be done in a classy way…

Agree Franky. But, as cleverku said:


Here are my prerequisites before any woman can even be considered an HCB.

The obvious prerequisites:

  1. Beautiful and sexy.

  2. Was born a woman.

The contentious prerequisites:

  1. No tats, anywhere.

Cate Blanchet gets eliminated for lack of hotness. I really don’t understand what people see in her. Very good actress, but not hot. She really ruined Galadriel for me.

This. She’s talented, but not *TALENTED* if you know what I mean.

Tats or not, it’s all good as long as she doesn’t have anything over the top like a full sleeve (which, incidentally, always makes me assume the woman has hepatitis or some other communicable disease that I don’t want).

I don’t understand why they would wear sneakers, but there’s nothing wrong with some flat. I know a guy who switches shoes in the office, but he doesn’t switch from sneakers, he switches from a scuffed up black dress shoe to a fancier black dress shoe.

What about belly piercings? Does that make the cut? I’m guessing nose and tongue don’t because they are visible.

With regards to the sneakers, there are plenty of comfortable alternatives that women can wear instead of going for sneakers. My wife has plenty of shoes ranging from kick-ass heels down to flat bottom shoes that still match and complement a suite. She wouldn’t dream of wearing sneakers with her suites, just as I would never do when I wear suites. There are plenty of decisions in life that are more “comfortable”, but I don’t agree that making these decisions means you’re smarter. To me, taking the less comfortable option just shows that you have more dignity and self respect, which in the case of women is a sign of classiness.

Brain_wash_your_face, I like your argument but I think there’s a couple of flaws with it. With the exception of Kournikova, these women are all actresses. The image we have of them comes from the roles they play in movies we watch. So, it’s difficult for me to say that these women are actually classy or not in the first place, without having getting a genuine feel of what they really like in person. Good looking, yeah, no doubt, but classy…, don’t know. Also, it’s a total surprise to me as well as most people I would imagine that these women have tats. The fact that they have a tat is clearly something which they don’t go out of their way to advertise, presumably because it goes against the image that they try to portray of themselves in movies (i.e. of someone classy, intelligent, educated, successful, well-spoken, etc). Angelina Jolie has a crapload of ugly tats on her (including GPS locations of where each of her kids was born), but she hires someone full time to remove evidence of any tats from each and every movie frame she appears in.

I think belly button rings are acceptable and can be classy. Nose rings, could live with it if it’s small, but would prefer if it wasn’t there in the first place. Tongue ring, no way.

Ehhh tongue ring is the best one, no?

On the right body, these can be very nice. Caveat must be that not just anyone can sport one of these, there is a relatively small percentage of the population that should be even eligible for these.

Dude, they’re celebrities because those are people we both know. I could say that Sara Marks is a HCB with a tattoo, but that would mean nothing to you because you don’t know her.

If anybody, celebrity or not, is going out of their way to advertise a tat then that is trashy. It’s like being a fake blond: you can have a really nice “do” and look classy (because nobody knows it’s dyed) or you can bleach it until it turns to wire and look trashy. You can have full arm sleeve tats and look trashy or you can have a tasteful tat (that most people probably don’t even notice unless you’re at the beach) and look classy.

Belly button rings belong on strippers.

there is nothing wrong with tattoos in general…now if she gets one on her face that’s another story…

^ what if it’s a small teardrop tattoo honoring the loss of a loved one? (Someone with a teardrop for killing a rival gang member is likely to be disqualified for other reasons, so the issue of the tat is moot.)

Prefer the band-aid on the cheek to show sorrow as that is removable during high class events, but you know, to each their own.

Frankie, we need you to publish “The HCB Handbook, First Edition”. It’s getting complicated to ask for everything. List price: $29.90. Or is that an unclassy price? $69.90 sounds classier.