Shootout at cinema

what is going on?!

What’s wrong with some of these yank gun nuts???

I don’t want to say this…but ‘Only in America’

The Chinese way: Swift execution by bullet. They also charge the cost of the bullet to the offender.

The US way: A long, expensive trial, spending years of taxpayer money for attorney’s, court review, food, shelter and security for the murderer. Will result in an expensive lethal injection procedure or the far more expensive lifetime jail term.

a horrible tragedy…completely senseless…

Not strictly, mate.

Also, Germany and Norway… not too long ago…

Although, there is a pattern…only in America

I have a feeling that it’s not as easy to buy automatic weapons in other countries…

Yemen is number 2 hehe

Read this to see how other countries legislate gun ownership

The second amendment from 1792 is pretty out-of-date and needs to be amended

^ That’s not an automatic, it’s a semi automatic. And you can still buy them in many countries. Arguing that having a semi automatic somehow alters the outcome vs any other action firearm when shooting unarmed people isn’t accurate.

What really beats me is the politics behind this? Why do the right-wing NRA-loving republicans favour gun ownership and are against controlling it? It can’t be a self-defence matter alone.

You don’t have to be a genius to work out that you are safer when nobody has a gun, as opposed to when 90% of the country does!!!

What am I missing here?

i remember saying this before…there needs to be gun control…though in toronto we are having a gang war as well…

toronto rises…

Yes, the point is, that it’s really easy to get all kinds of guns in the US. More guns = more gun deaths. There will always be people who are like “oh, I have to defend myself from other people with guns”, but come on. When a 17 year old kid kills 33 people at Columbine High School, I’m pretty sure something is up.

I don’t think 90% of US people have guns, though. It’s “firearms per 100 people”. That probably reflects that many people have multiple guns.

It’s not the guns that are problematic per se…it’s the ppl…guns just make it easier

“guns just make it easier”


Violent acts occured long before firearms were invented. If someone wants to kill you in cold blood the availability of firearms would be a distant secondary factor.

People where I grew up (in the country) actually get a good portion of their meat from hunting. Our police take 15 - 20 minutes to respond due to the rural area. If you’re going to be protected, you need to do it yourself. Coincidentally, there are fewer violent crimes in the country per capita, despite a higher gun ownership ratio, arguing against your logic. Knowing every house is protected via firearm serves as a deterent. 90% of the country does not have firearms. Guns, particularly semi-automatics and hand guns are currently controlled.

“You don’t have to be a genius to work out that you are safer when nobody has a gun…” Misses the fact that governments have plenty of guns and many people from where I grew up inherently distrust the government.

Lastly, and I’ve stated this before, becuase I feel like you and I’ve had this discussion before, most right wingers are adamently against a large and overpowering government. They view rural assault rifle ownership as a check and balance against a potential police state. I know it seems extreme, but governments have gotten out of line before. Our own country was founded on revolution and a key reason the 2nd amendment was included was to insure the citizens as a whole could keep the government accountable as a check and balance. Many people have found this line of thinking excessive, but many people have also seen that line of thinking overturned when governments became police states at various times over the past 100 years.

Outlawing guns does not equal eliminating guns from America. People usually reference England as an example of some place where strict gun laws have worked well. Sure, okay. Now try that in a country as large, populous, and heterogeneous as the US. We could outlaw them, but we’ll never get rid of them.

It would probably be easier to focus on why kids are so messed up. When the suspects mom was told her son was in custody for the shootings she said, “you got the right guy.” WTF? Nice parenting.