13-year-old with IQ of 162

6 June 2013 Last updated at 19:42 ET Help

Neha Ramu from Surbiton in south-west London is only 13 - but she is already a genius, with a higher IQ than Stephen Hawking.

She scored 162 in a Mensa IQ test for people under 18, the highest possible mark - putting her in the top one percent of the UK’s brightest people. Any score of above 140 is considered to be that of a genius.

Neha came to the UK from Bangalore in India when she was seven, but it was only in recent years that her parents started to realise the true level of her intelligence.

Potential means you haven’t done anything yet. Let her do something like Jack Andraka, and then we’ll talk.

Hacksaw? I don’t see NYC SS ER in her accomplishments.

What’s his name - Bobby Fischer - had an IQ of 210, the highest ever, was a chess prodigy, and ran away to Japan because he was crazy as fcuk. So, high IQ, whatevs.

IQ is something like “mental age divided by actual age times 100,” where mental age is the average capacity/score for people of a certain age. That’s why IQ is an intelligence “quotient.”

The girl is no doubt impressive, but it’s also easier to bias high (even for what it measures) when you are younger. So the “she’s more intelligent than Steven Hawking” comment is not really meaningful - at least not yet.

I’ve been wondering: what do we expect a girl to do with a hacksaw, rusty or otherwise?


I bet Blake and that fat lawyers kid will have an iq of 211 and will be top 2, 3/3, have ran a 20b 2/20, and successfully ipo’d a rusty hacksaw business at the highest multiple in industry history by 13.

This chick should hacksaw her ovaries now…

IQ test? please.

Let’s see some accomplishments first.

Yes. IQ is age adjusted - meaning that if you score 20/20 questions correct on the same test, you will get a higher score if you are younger. So, having a high IQ “despite being young” is meaningless. In fact, as bchad says, it is more likely that younger people can have statistically outlying IQ test results, since there is more room for the number of correct questions to be volatile on the upside.

With that being said, getting such a high score is definitely an achievement, similar to getting 1600 on SAT. Except the part about testing for MENSA. It is like the most pretentious thing ever. Imagine if there was a society for only people that scored 1500 or higher on SAT - I would personally (hire someone to) kick them all in the balls.

I heard she was quoted at a recent birthday party saying she passed L1 in an attempt to break into the industry. . .