It's not that far, far away!!!!

Episode 7 will be released on Friday, December 18, 2015!!!

_ Note–that’s in December 2015, not in 2013 or 2014. _

wow. Haven’t heard of this at all

Is it better to stop before it goes downhill?

Almost all movies, TV series, go downhill after certain point.

Then again, Hollywood is desperate for scripts. there are very few new original movies these days. Iron Man 5, Hangover Part XI, Monsters phD, Remake of the new remake Spider Man, Batman Begins…yet again, Thor vs. Captain America vs. Ant Man vs. Aqua Man vs. all these C-list super heroes that you have never heard of as a child yet when they come out everyone seems to CRAVE them and say “i’ve been waiting to see this super-hero on big screen for the longest time!!!”…

Yeah, this was the big deal when Disney bought LucasFilm last year. LucasFilm would not have made more Star Wars movies, so Disney, willing to fully exploit the economic potential of this cash cow franchise, bought the company along with the rights to the films. Many of the original cast members will return, and this means the film will feature 72-year-old Han Solo, fat middle aged Luke Skywalker, and nearly 80-year-old Lando.

On the bright side, Disney will probably make a better movie than LucasFilm would have. In Episodes 1 to 3, LucasFilm tried too hard to create a fanboy fantasy, and the result was just weird and deeply disturbing. Disney will just try to make an entertaining movie that will appeal to the widest possible audience, and based on the critical and economic performance of such films as Avengers, Disney will probably succeed.

I have low expectations for this. Lucas ruined the prequel trilogy, and Abrams’ version of Star Trek was no different from any other blockbuster with many explosions.

as long as there is money to be made, studios will do it. doesn’t matter what the fanboys say or do. and multiple franchises tend to yield predictable revenue streams. .

The prequels sucked, hard. Hopefully Disney can right the ship. Guess we’ll find out in 25 months.

Let’s be honest, Star Wars hasn’t been good since we were 12 (most of us) and the originals are super hokey and not that great when looked at with an adult eye.

Battlestar Gallactica on the other hand…

I was born in the 70s and I’ve NEVER seen Star Wars.

Haters? Damn, y’all mad!

+1. I blame it on Jar-Jar.

I have never seen an “episode” from beginning to end… mostly because i don’t like sci-fi, and i don’t know why people are so crazy about it.

i think it’s innovative with the costumes and sets for its time… but that’s about it?

I agree episodes 2 and 3 were not that good…but I personally think episode 1 was awesome…lets not fake, the lightsaber fight against Darth Maul is probably the best one of all six movies…no greenie?

This, I can tolerate from a female Japanese.

But this can never be forgiven.

I thought you were an American. Go back to the USSR, comrade!

There’s no “probably” about it. Agree with you I must.

Did you know–the guy who played Darth Maul is named Ray Park. He’s a real-life martial artist, gymnast, and swordfighter. Originally, he was only a member of the stunt crew. The stunt coordinator asked him to do a couple of demonstrations for the lightsaber battles. When George Lucas saw the tape, he immediately cash him as Darth Maul. He choreographed all of the lightsaber fight scenes in the movie.

Since then, he played Toad on X-Men, and Snakeye in the GI Joe movies.

This, I knew.

Here’s a cool “mini-documentary” about the lightsaber training that went into Episode 1.

There are a lot of star wars fans in japan as well!!

I just don’t think it’s THAT great, it’s like i can see why people like star wars like how people like ET or Alien, or back to the future, or many classic films… but star wars fans are a bit over the top, IMHO.

The problem with Episodes 2 & 3 was the casting of Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen.

By contemporary standards, the original Star Wars movies would not be particularly special. However, the movies are still appreciated today due to their significance in advancing the science fiction film genre. “Star Wars” was released in 1977. CGI had not been invented yet. In terms of storytelling and visual effects, the film set the bar higher than anything anyone had ever seen. It blew people’s minds to see live action space ships blow up the Death Star; before Star Wars, nothing comparable had ever appeared on screen. “I am your father” is a cliche today, but it was a shocking twist the first time it appeared to movie audiences. This shows the lasting impact that Star Wars has had on the entire film industry.

“What if Star Wars Episodes I & II were good?”

I agree with the guy in the videos.

Still, I’m a huge fan as well.