Meditation Tips???/

Does anyone practice meditation here? If yes, may I know some useful tips/ways to meditate?

Thanks in advance:-)

(There are several types of meditation. I’m assuming you mean mindfulness).

I found meditating under relaxing water in the shower was a good way to start, because the noise of the water helps keep distracting things from being noticed. Also practicing mindfulness exercises when not meditating seems to help the progress. Being present when driving, washing the dishes, etc. But at the end of the day, it’s just like lifting heavy weight, progress comes from consistency and dedication.

See this link for a guide to the general steps:

Thanks a lot for your suggestions:-) I ll try.

Interesting point you made about sound of shower helping you to get less distracted. Will try that out.

Absolute agree on the last point, perseverance is what pays!