What do you read regularly?

Dear CFA candidates,

I am wondering, what do you read regularly? From where do you obtain info about the industry, the news etc.?

I usually and quite often read Business Insider, it’s online, it’s informative and updated hourly.

Let’s make a list of 10 “sources”, what are your?

AF Water Cooler


I try not to read as much as possible. I scan headlines and only read what directly affects my business. Other than that I try to avoid having my judgement colored by what other people write about xyz.

adam crisafulli’s trading desk commentary is pretty good form jpm


The only valuable information I read is my draft(s) before clicking send.

I’ll read zh if i feel like being a permabull, ill read smart money to see what the herd is doing, wsj to get a glimpse of my 30s, nypost to see what igor will post, and finally wc to negate my depression.


There is someone who writes some interesting analysis on the status of humanity. You should look her up: Kim Kardashian on Twitter.

Very insightful and thought provoking.

Frank, is that you?

I very ACTIVELY ignore the mass media noise. Seems like in many cases one would reach completely different conclusions if they were totally disconnected vs connected. Always had a Bloomberg terminal at my desk, so being familiar with them, I limit myself to that site (don’t have a terminal right now, sadly).

I spend most of my day reading finance related stuff. I thought this thread was going to be about reading non-work related material.

I try to read some fiction when I can. It’s good for the brain I think, but not always easy to find the time.


Twitter (only finance people followed)

Al Jazeera English


Christian Science Monitor


The Economist

New York Times

Wall Street Journal

Business Insider