Are the French hypocrites for their anti-terror rhetoric?

So Islamic terrorists attack a handful of journalists in Paris, and suddenly we have 3 million French citizens marching and calling for military action against Isis in Iraq?

I’m pretty sure that this is the same generation of folk that screeched like a banshee when the USA invaded Iraq after Saddamn murdered and tortorured over million innocent civilians. Someone tell me if what I said is historically inaccurate.

While the French are always indefensible (because…well…that just goes with being French), I thought those demonstrations were just touchy-feely “we care” marches, not a call for war.

Besides that, isn’t 3 million only about 5% of their population? Were over 95% of the French against the Iraq War? If not, what makes you think that this 3 million isn’t part of that small segment that, as a matter of popular opinion, was in favor of the Iraq War?

You could say the same thing about the US’s stance against “terror” - the same country has armed, funded, or supported many hardcore Islamist groups…mujahideen in Afgh, mujahideen in Chechnya, mujahideen in Bosnia, mujahideen in Syria, arming and supporting a nuclear Pakistan that has carried out 2 genocides, Saudi Arabia, the source of pretty much all terror…deposing the socialist government of Iraq…I could go on and on. Even Khomeini was seen as a nice ally of the West earlier in his career. Western powers have loved using Islamism as a stick to brandish against the soviets and its remnants.

Also, Saddam wasn’t Islamist, so the fact that the French opposed his removal is irrelevant. He was no threat to the French, why would they care about removing him? It would have been better for them if he’d stayed there.

please don’t let facts get in the way

Agree with all your points up until this one…if he wasn’t Muslim, what was he?

Yep, just what Iraq needs next, a French invasion.

People were pissed about US action in Iraq because the US administration has BS reasons for going to war (WMD) which most people, including those in the State Department and CIA and anyone else paying attention, knew were BS before the invasion. If the administration had couched their reasoning as deposing a despicable dictator, then maybe people would view it differently. Sadly, if the US had said that it wanted to invade Iraq to protect Iraqi civilians, nobody would have ever supported the war because after 9/11 everyone wanted to kill terrorists…could care less about random civilian lives.

Saddam, while Muslim, was a fairly Westernized socialist type (think Mubarak or Assad). A bad dude to be sure, but you have to remember that he too was an ally of the West for most of his career until his Kuwait sojourn.

I think it comes down to that the US was removing what was perceived as a legitimate government, even if it was a crappy one, on a false premise (nuclear weapons). As for what these French protestors want… I don’t even know if they want something specific. They just want to go after terrorists?

At some point, there is an arbitrary line between a bad legitimate government and a random extremist organization. But I get the feeling that what the French want - go after ISIS, al-Qaeda, etc. - is already agreed upon by people in most countries, including the US.

I don’t think anyone denies he was Muslim

Islamist =/= Muslim. Read a book sometime.


Islam is a religion of peace, unity and love for all man-kind. Just witness all the peaceful Muslims standing against the Islamic extremists. As-salamu alaykum Malekum mes fréres. #Je suis charlie 2015 pour vie!

Like 25 years ago. Did you know that France and Germany are allies today? Yeah. Once, not so long ago, there were at total war with each other.

As an AFer / BSD Level II candidate, you should know that the more appropriate typed “Does not equal” sign is: <>

Were you a History or English major or something that you’re still using the non-excel math signs?

Ultimately, these distinctions might not be relevant anyway. People who use terror or violence for political means should not be categorized based on whether their motivations are religous or secular. It would still be hypocritical to denounce a violent religious organization, but at the same time, support a government or other organization that employs violence for non religious goals.


Islamist =/= Muslim. Read a book sometime.


A believer of Islam is a Muslim.

In the case of Saddam, they are relevant, he was seen as an effective bulwark against Islamist groups both Sunni and Shiite just like Hosni Mubarak was, and Assad would be if he switched sides. On top of that Iraq was a fairly socially liberal place by Arab standards, a big weekend destination for Kuwaiti Arabs looking for all manner of haraam activities like drinking.

Islamist has a specific meaning, you dolt.

You are!