Snow storm tri-state area

Anyone is doing anything fun? Besides working from home…

Good luck East Coasters. Up here, my Igloo melted in the +16 (60’ F) sunshine and now I can’t get to work as my snow machine won’t drive on the dirt roads. We also haven’t seen many polar bears around for a few days. :frowning:

Monday morning looks fine, the real kicks in mid-day and afternoon. people will prob leave early from the office tomorrow. and then if really bad, work from home on Tuesday.

kinda sucks, was planning to meet a management team on Tuesday their flight will prob get cancelled.

stay safe fellas/ladies

wow looks like projected 10-16 inches on mon and 10-16 inches on tue. work from home tue and wed?

Please don’t be as pathetic as the city of Toronto and call the army if there’s 2 inches of snow on the ground.

^ Special people there, for sure. Though I won’t be shocked if this storm has the national guard called in there too. Expect reduced liquidity Tues/Wed?

In other news, it’s supposed to be 65 degrees and sunny here today.

^ Here too, in Canada! In January! God bless the oil sands and global warming.

70 degrees down here in Florida. Life is good.

dang you guys suck

I had planned to buy boots at lunch time but it is looking pretty tricky outside already…at least I can have free reign of the machines at the local gym…Monday’s are usually shit show.

You are already working from home?! It’s barely snowing. We didn’t even get any announcements of potential of working from home…

I was supposed to fly to San Diego tomorrow… Instead, ill be fighting over parking here in boston.

Highs in the 60’s this week. Very abnormal, but I’ll take it.

I guess there’s some “little” El Nino thing going on (for those of you that don’t habla espanol, El Nino is Spanish for…The Nino). I don’t know what that means except that we’ve been having great weather.

Working from home tomorrow, not sure when I’ll leave today or if I’ll also work from home Wednesday.

^ work in nyc?

Yawn, bunch of sallies spouting loom and doom. Try living in the Windy City and have the lake effect in the winter months. Then talk to me about a monumental blizzard.

Daley > de Blasio

Y’all heard of El Nino? Well, NYC is going through El Negro. Feel me?

… i usually don’t ask if can or cannot work from him, i just send email out and that is it