why do Americans know FA about fashion?

I aint got time to search for random pictures. But we know the score.

Perhaps you should ask in a way that we can understand your question.

What is FA?

Also, no idea

I presume it’s a slant against our attire. The better question is why does a developed nation still have a monarchy? haha all love for my brothers/sisters across the pond, i’d kill to have your accent.

The monarchy is mostly for tourism.

FA = fuck all

I’m wearing a kick ass pair of PJ’s right now with a sweatshirt I bought from Target.

I guess we probably just don’t care. I’ve never understood metrosexual types and have always just thought European guys, who spend more time in the bathroom than girls do, are just not very manly. My actrativeness comes from my wealth/power and ability to make a girl laugh. Don’t really care what brand of shoes I’m wearing.

Pokhim, not sure why you would care about what I wear either? Explain why fashion is important to you as a straight non-american male? Serious question.

LOL…how about those guys with tight suit pants? Those guys got some figure.

Honestly I’m totally euro on that. If you go to a restaurant dressed like shit, don’t expect people to respect you. Americans often wonder why they are being snobbed in Europe but fuck you for bringing uuglyness into my day. And yes, oversized Nike polos, bermuda shorts, baseball caps and white running shoes look like ass.

Generally those Euro guys do better with the ladies. A Parisian guy against a slob American… the Yank doesn’t stand a chance.

americans (in general) always seem overconcerned about their masculinity… as if it is a fleeting thing (which it might be for some)

Want to say that to my face?

get on facetime, bitch.

alternatively, my skype name is “yourmum”

^ lol

You win ha ha

I see the keyboard warriors are out in full force

Ive wondered this too, yet with other aspects such as drinking/free time - see my reference about must be a beer drinker/sports fanatic

as for attire, i do give the eur the advantage when it comes to dressing.

Fwiw, when i was in london i had no problem w the women despite my grostesque butchering of the english language and polo’s w white shoes (i was a college kid).

^ British women are not exactly the stand outs of Europe…

The whole comparison is stupid. You always wind up with someone comparing NASCAR attendies to Paresians or Londoners as if it’s some form of valid comparison. You have rural farmers in both France and England that come off as just as unfashionable and you have some very high fashion in New York. People for some reason tend to associate America with the rural lifestyle and Europe with its urban centers.

From the rural vs urban debate it’s just a matter of context. I’ve had very cool friends form NYC that are very dominant in their accustomed environment visit with me in rural places or in some of the outdoor sports towns and come off looking very out of place and unconfident. If you take a farmer to NYC, they often come off looking equally ridiculous. The point is, what works well in some environments will not necessarily get you ladies and respect in all situations.