Flower delivery service

I would like to send someone a single flower with a note in another city, but I’m not paying $50 for a bunch of plants that are going to die anyways. I was thinking more like paying under $10 for the flower plus a delivery fee.

Someone help me!

Forget the flower, send a pizza instead.

My Pizza is in a shape of a heart, so you can eat your heart out!

send her a rotten log, roses die, but a moist rotting log will pump out mushrooms for two or three magical years.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day,

Wither shite hath perced to the rote

Thine love mushrooms forthe

In bounteous flesh.

Softly weaving…

or, was it heaving??

Found this hilarious!

every time I send someone flowers it’s like 70 bucks

10 dollars would be nice

#whybother? #fordirtytexting?


Send her 10 dollars and a your note,ask her to buy the flower herself

There should be an Uber for flowers. It’s like modern Cyrano de Bergerac…

A pull from the Big Bang Theory? I knew I recognized it (unless that’s a more common joke…)

I often send a dozen through Proflowers for $20ish. Just gotta google for the special coupon phrases and catch them on sales. It is awkward tho, because they keep sending me emails to buy flowers for ex girlfriends.