Bill Ackman on Everything you need to know about investing

Simplified, but as someone to started the CFA program with no finance experience, I kinda wish I’d seen this before I’d started. Helps a lot for orienting how the different parts go together.


Having had to watch Twilight this weekend with a group of visiting teenage girls, Bill Ackmann looks remarkably like one of the Cullen family…

Go on…

Not that exciting. Just visiting family, including a bunch of whiny, self-obsessed tweens.

One must be careful of these visiting teenage girls, as my mentor and role model Keanu Reeves taught me.,_Knock_(2015_film](,Knock(2015_film)

Aha, I didn’t see that.

Not sure how Bill Ackman’s methods square with proper ethical behavior, however. I seem to recall something about Standard II(A) Material Nonpublic Information.

Right, though the presentation doesn’t advocate unethical behavior.

I agree (and have heard from people who actualy know him) that he himself does a lot of ethically questionable things in his own investing.