controversy at Mister Ugly contest

Masvinu and his supporters mobbed the judges upon hearing their decision, claiming that Sere was “too handsome” to win and his ugliness wasn’t natural since it was based on missing teeth.

“I am naturally ugly. He is not. He is ugly only when he opens his mouth,” maintained Masvinu, gesturing at his rival.


I don’t know. I think Mr Masvinu looks just kind of normal.

“Sere made tremendous effort to enhance his ugliness by pulling facial stunts,” said judge Abigail Mataranyika, a university student. “Masvinu thought he is so ugly that he didn’t need to try hard. That cost him the crown.”


2nd place in this case is the worst. at least for first place you get celebrity status and some cash…for 2nd place you are just ugly but not ugly enough to be famous lol

Those guys are ugly as sin, wow. They are perfect examples of people that should NOT be taking selfies or making the duck face.

That said, no offense to any of the other ugly people out there. As we all know, beauty is only skin deep anyway…right?