Poll: Who would actually vote for Bloomberg as an Independent?

If he ran with a socially liberal but fiscally conservative platform and your choice was either him, Clinton and Trump/Cruz, would you vote for Bloomberg?

Please include your historical political leaning as well.

My Vote. obviously it doesn’t matter as i’m a Canuck but i feel like i would be inclined to vote Bloomberg over Clinton even though as a Canadian i am naturally left-leaning (within the U.S. political sphere).

Bloomberg over Clinton for sure. Clinton is nothing but a serial liar in for herself. Bloomberg may be quirky but he’s smart enough to know what needs to be done

Political Leaning: Center

I don’t see any reason why Bloomberg is a compelling candidate. He just reflects the views of rich, urban, socially liberal whites. He has absolutely no chance of winning an election and would simply drain votes from whoever Dems nominate. Although if Cruz is the nominee for Republicans, it could get interesting from the POV of who drains who…

Between all three, I would vote for Clinton, who I don’t even like.

Simply because of his outspoken disdain for any and all guns, I would be inclined to not vote for Bloomberg. If those were my choices, I would likely write in another candidate… probably Rubio.

Historically, I have been fiscally conservative, socially IDGAF (outside of guns). For example, I don’t care if gay people want to get married, I don’t have a position on the abortion front, though, i don’t think it should be taxpayer funded. Legalization of pot, i don’t care either way. Religion, if you believe in God, great, if you don’t believe in God, that’s great too… i just can’t stand listening to the atheists belittle and hate believers, nor can i stand listening to believers hate/belittle atheists.

I don’t see Clinton as any worse than your average politician running for the presidency, but I’m still not a big fan.

I would seriously consider a vote for Bloomberg if he ran.

If Trump or Cruz is the republican nominee, I would vote for Bloomberg. I’d be on the fence if the nominee is Rubio.

Edit: I forgot my political leaning. Fiscal conservative, social moderate.

I lean center left typically. Socially liberal, fiscally i waver from center left to center right on many issues. I would vote Bloomberg if he ran and I thought he had a real chance of winning (I.e. Trump or Cruz from the repubs)

After his blow up in the debate I dont see how Rubio can be seriously considered. Especially after republicans rip Obama for his teleprompter, Rubio seemed programmed to say nothing aside from what his people told him to say.

I plan on voting Libertarian, regardless of who the Democrat or Republican nominees are.

I would seriously consider voting for Bloomberg rather than Gary Johnson, if I thought he had a better chance of getting elected.

My political leaning - anybody but a Democrat or Republican.

I’m a Democrat and would stick with Sanders or Clinton (Sanders is my first choice).

^I would love to hear your reasoning on why the Bern is better than any other candidate. (Not trying to pick a fight–I just seriously want to know.)

I think the test for Sanders support is fairly simple:

  1. Do you think oligarchy is a problem in the US or not. If so, Sanders is pretty much the only choice. Proceed to question 2.

  2. Is the risk that Sanders probably won’t be able to get much of his platform actually implemented worse than the risk that other candidates will simply help entrench oligarchy further. (Clinton will try to rescue a few crumbs, like reducing food stamps by only 50% instead of 100%, the others will just take us straight there, perhaps with enforced prayer in schools, or mass muslim deportations). If Sanders’ risk of not getting anything achieved is better than outright capitulation, then you stay with Sanders.

  3. Some Sanders supporters are just doing it so that Hillary has a reason not to run further to the right.

Most AFers are probably hoping to be oligarchs themselves one day, so it’s not so surprising that Sanders doesn’t get much support here. He does keep things interesting, though.

Comparing candidates to Latin American presidents, my fear is that:

Bernie Sanders is Salvador Allende

Hillary Clinton is Carlos Menem

Donald Trump is Fernando Collor de Mello (or perhaps Manuel Noriega).

Voted Gore in 00, Kerry in 04, didn’t vote in 08, voted Johnson in 12, planning on Johnson again in 16, but would consider Bloomberg. Hate his gun stance, but as a socially liberal urban white, to quote Palantir, he’s fairly well aligned with a lot of my ideals, without the “free everything for everyone” platforms of the left.

Truth be told, if it’s Trump or Kasich vs Hillary or Bernie, I probably still vote Johnson, even if Bloomberg is there as an independant. But if it’s Cruz or Rubio, I’d be backing Bloomberg. Minnesota would vote for a neatly stacked pile of horse shit if you thre a blue elephant sticker on it, so my vote is wasted either way.

Actually, as an unemployed millenial, I think I will vote for Sanders.

Are you suggesting that the CIA will support a military coup d’état, President Sanders will shoot himself inside a surrounded White House, and General Dunford will become a military dictator?

I’d watch this movie.

“Clinton is a serial liar” is utter nonsense …to suggest that she is any less genuine than the other fools (except for Sanders and Kasich) is absurd and the product of 20 years of collective Clinton bashing by the party that has been thoroughly outplayed by them.

I am not a Clinton fan and this election process is sadly lacking in compelling candidates but she lies no more or less than the others.

I am not a member of the Karl Rove school that suggests saying it’s so makes it so…no matter how many times its said

If I voted solely based upon my own eonomic interests, Sanders would probably be the worst choice (my wife and I each make six figure incomes, we have investment portfolios, I even work for one of the largest banks in the country!)… but I also believe that it’s more important to look beyond just ones own circumstances and to consider the greater good of the country.

I’m a lifelong liberal and my core beliefs align with the Democratic party. Although I’m financially comfortable now, I grew up in a lower-middle class household and I know what it’s like to live in a household where money is tight. I can definitely connect with Sanders’ focus on easing wealth inequality within the U.S.

Look, I don’t know if Sanders’ policies would work or not (frankly no one really does!) – or even if his policies could get passed… but I am open to giving it a shot, though. If it doesn’t work out there will be plenty of status-quo candidates ready to take his place after four years – but if it does work out it could be a presidency that would truly move the needle for ordinary, working-class citizens.

Political leaning: Chaotic Anarchy

I’d never vote for a man that limits the size of my drinks.

Wow, MR, kudos to you. I figured that people like you had pretty much gone extinct.