I thought this article was interesting

I know based on self reporting that 70% of AF posters can already bench 250 pounds and squat 400. But I thought this article was interesting anyway.


The haircut his client got helps almost as much as the weight loss. Not enough time for the gym? I get it, not enough time for a haircut? Get out of hear.

You read the New York Post?

“Another client, bond broker Matt D’Avanzo, 41, reached out to Castro after being called “a fat f - - k” by his wife. Four years later, his weight has dropped from 230 pounds to 165; he’s now in the midst of a divorce and dating a 29-year-old hottie.”


Maybe not. Depending on the divorce proceedings the wife could be making out like a bandit.

How has no one tapped into this market before…fat rich bankers who cant get laid…getting them into shape…gold mine.

isnt that hitch?

We need more guys like him with affordable pricing…

Thanks for ohai-ing this thread mods.

What does that even mean??

To ohai: Moving the link in the subject of a thread to the body of OP’s comment. This must be done because OP (generally ohai, hence he gets naming rights) is using a browser that can’t copy and paste on AF; and, because AF can’t/won’t correct this problem.

So the guy kills himself to get back in shape so he can get his girl back (brings the trainer on the reunion meeting for confidence), then they break up again a short time later? (The trainer is also brought along to a trip to Miami so he doesn’t eat too much?)

Seems that no amount of riches or hardbody can give this guy enough confidence to say “screw you for dumping me, woman.”

(Admittedly, it’s possible that he broke up with her the second time around, but it seems unlikely that he’d do that after pining for her the whole time it took to drop 100 lbs).

like i said in the other thread: and thus, Bchad Consulting Services was born.

I’m going to guess that the wife because jealous of his weight-loss and the renewed attention he was getting from other women.

Interesting article.

Yes, it seemed like a very superficial situation. But to be fair, if I had $300 million, I would probably not be concerned about normal things and would be free to focus on those other matters.