I wish this guy had been the first president of relatively recent African descent


Representing the Uncle Tom party?

Just wow! You are why the idea of multiple human races doesn’t go the way of the dinasour. Given that is what jumps into your head, you have exposed yourself. What have you done with your opportunities… From Wikipedia: “Sowell was born into an African-American family in Gastonia, North Carolina, near the border with South Carolina. His father died shortly before he was born, and his mother, a housemaid, already had four children. A great-aunt and her two grown daughters adopted Sowell and raised him.[4] In his autobiography, A Personal Odyssey, Sowell wrote that his childhood encounters with white people were so limited that he did not know that blond was a hair color.[5] When Sowell was nine, his family moved from Charlotte, North Carolina to Harlem, New York City as part of the Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North for greater opportunities. He qualified for Stuyvesant High School, a prestigious academic high school in New York City; he was the first in his family to study beyond the sixth grade. However, he was forced to drop out at age 17 because of financial difficulties and problems in his home.[4] Sowell held a number of positions, including one at a machine shop and another as a delivery man for Western Union,[6] and he tried out for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1948.[7] He was drafted into the military in 1951, during the Korean War, and was assigned to the United States Marine Corps. Because of his experience in photography, Sowell became a Marine Corps photographer; he also trained Marines in .45 pistol proficiency.[4]”

Maybe not.

But most (a polite ALL) of minorities appearing on Fox News fit the type. This is Fox News vetting process.

Is there a good biography on Rupert Murdoch?

I see conflicting arguments on the science and race thing.


Anyhow, I always thought your adamant stance that racism was an arbitrary constrict odd considering how obsessed you are with descent. I.E. this thread. From a practical standpoint it either is a thing or it isn’t, otherwise you’re just arguing semantics. I honestly don’t care, I just think your obsession with an archaic social construct is very paradoxical.

Race is BS (no pun intended).

Europeans, Arabs, and Indians from the northern Indian states (along with Pakistanis and Afghanis) are from the same race. They exchanged dark ages and enlightenment every few centuries.

Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula and Sephardi Jews are both Semitic race; Ashkenazi Jews are not. Go figure.

Chinese as a race, had their ups and down

Some Pharaohs Dynasties were white while others were black

Michael Jackson was better when he was black than when he became white

Jesus was white, blond with blue eyes among brown people

Apart of my superior race (my people don’t sh#t), race is irrelevant.

^um, pointless diatribe aside, ghibli is making the point that “race” as some view it does not actually exist.

^ I wasn’t arguing with anyone. Nothing I’ve said disagrees with anything you’d said. Just making an independent remark.


Lol @ the second one. Classic.

Been on an MJ kick recently and my mornings have been much better

Isn’t this the very definition of racism? Stereotyping based on his appearance…Not on what he says. I don’t think you realize how accomplished Sowell is. Or you seem to dismiss him because of the way he looks. Sowell has appeared on all major media outlets throughout his life. Maybe pick up one of his books or do you not find value in things written by people that look like him?

From the article: “Racism and discrimination are wrong as a matter of principle, not of science. That said, it is hard to see anything in the new understanding of race that gives ammunition to racists. The reverse is the case. Exploration of the genome has shown that all humans, whatever their race, share the same set of genes. Each gene exists in a variety of alternative forms known as alleles, so one might suppose that races have distinguishing alleles, but even this is not the case. A few alleles have highly skewed distributions but these do not suffice to explain the difference between races. The difference between races seems to rest on the subtle matter of relative allele frequencies. The overwhelming verdict of the genome is to declare the basic unity of humankind.” I think it’s more than sematics. The ideas behind the origin of the idea of multiple human races has been disproven, as the linked article shows. The term was not originally used to identify slight genetic variations and, as used historically, simply does not make sense anymore. The author thinks the term has evolved. But it hasn’t. We still don’t call the world flat. We know better. And we don’t say flat now means curved.

Yes, that was a prelude, but the article does go on to make the clear point that “race” while we may share genomes is genetically based and not a purely social construct:

" Analysis of genomes from around the world establishes that there is a biological basis for race, despite the official statements to the contrary of leading social science organizations. An illustration of the point is the fact that with mixed race populations, such as African Americans, geneticists can now track along an individual’s genome, and assign each segment to an African or European ancestor, an exercise that would be impossible if race did not have some basis in biological reality."

^^ So white men actually can jump?

^^^^ I dunno the brother very well. He looks fine and sounds great. I just don’t trust Fox News. And my remark was on Fox News.

Racism is a sin in my religion, and disgraceful in my society.

That’s not the definition of racism at all.

I stereotype people based on appearance all the time. Take gothic kids for example. They may say they’re grunge, but I know those dickies came from hot topic and cost $120. Same goes for hippies. They may say they’re libertarian, but deep down I know they’ll vote for Bernie the second they think I’m not looking.

There are also cultural cues I can pick up on based on percieved race as well. If I see a black man at a gas station, I know he is six times more likely than me to die from a gun homicide. If he sees me, he knows I am six times more likely than him to die from a gun suicide. Nobody says a word, but we each now know something about each other simply based on appearance and fact.

Yup, anything else you see is completely coincidental. No genetic basis at all.

White men can’t jump

blacks can’t swim

French can’t take a bath

Asians can’t drive (this an established fact)

Arabs and Jews can’t communicate (unless f@#king is involved)

Russians can’t smile

Italians on an airplane can’t stop talking

Diversity is beautiful

Don’t disagree. Should have said geographical descent. I would argue you know very little about the man at the gas station. Sure you could make a conclusion about a large group of men of his descent, but you know nothing about him as an individual with any certainty. You’re just playing the odds. I know women that only date men with flared nostrils because they require a large organ, but they are often disappointed. You’ve made the same argument in regard to the safety of having a gun in your home. You don’t fall in the middle of the distribution.

Yes, but making an inference (ie, guy is 6x more likely to die a certain way) is not the same as saying he is X race therefore Y is a certainty. People go so overboard. I’m not advocating racism, but on the otherhand, people want to pretend there’s no geneological difference for race, the predispositions don’t exist, that cultures are completely coincidental etc etc etc and I find that stupid. Embracing diversity is not the same as saying everyone is homogenous.

Every “progressive” person right now is on this mad dash towards social progress when everyone will be the same and differences will not exist. Be careful what you wish for. Barriers to travel, trade and communication have been nearly eliminated in recent generations and geographic mobility is at an all time high. We are living in a bit of a cultural golden age where we have access to many cultures yet those cultures and people maintain the distinct characteristics developled by thousands of years of separation. These have already begun to erode under westernization and will continue to do so as the world becomes increasingly homogenous. Enjoy it while you can.