Afraid to admit my support for Trump

In this election cycle I have been rooting for both Sanders and Trump as “stick it to the man” candidates. I have even donated to the Sanders campaign (a confessed socialist) as I do not fear admitting my support for him openly.

As for Donald Trump however, I have been unwilling to donate, or admit my support for him publically because I fear sincere backlash from others to the point that I fear they would try to get me fired. Any money that we donate is a matter of public record and I really do believe they will go after people who do.

Not sure what that says about our society, but i think that is pretty poor. i’m not usually someone that minds having a contreversial opinion, but in this instance, what I see from my the media and my liberal friends is complete intolerance far worse than any stupid populist BS Trump has said. Voltaire would be ashamed.

Can you blame people for having such strong reactions to Trump? It’s not like he’s been making things easy for himself. His abrasiveness may work like gangbusters on his voting base, but to people who aren’t charmed, he comes across as very unpresidential.

FREEEEEEEEDOM!..except for those who disagree with my opinion. you will be silenced.

^ Yes, that’s fine OMY, I feel the same way about Hillary and Jeb, but I would not look to hurt people who vote for them.

I honestly legitimately feel threatened by those who are anti-Trump.

People who are not as open minded as I am should not be allowed to publically hold those views because I shouldn’t have to hear them.

Yea even on AF there are a few die hard hillary fans who have closed their eyes and covered their ears to logic and apparently she can do no wrong. Then they get super defensive and trash anyone else who dares bring up truth and evidence. I know a guy where I work that’s just like this. Sad.

No one’s debating that you should support whomever you want, without fear of reprisal by anyone else. Who you support is no one’s business but your own.

However, when it comes to inflammatory candidates, I think a lot of people may be concerned about just how many views you share with that person. Call it guilt by association if you want. This is wrong, but in politics, a lot of people seem to have a tendency of judging other voters based on the unsavory things that their preferred candidates have said.

You support Trump–therefore you must hate Mexicans/Muslims/immigrants/women/Rosie O’Donnell. Now I don’t know the first thing about you other than the fact that you’re a Trump supporter, but those are the associations that jump to an anti-Trump supporter’s mind when they would meet you. So instead of engaging in a dialogue with you over what things you do or don’t support about Trump, the conversation never happens because they already assume the worst of you.

I’m not sure how to fix this problem, though.

It is not wrong to have a strong distaste for Pres… er Mr Trump. However, it would be against the democratic spirit to persecute Trump supporters based on their political view. It is unfortunate that OP feels that he will suffer such persecution for his opinion. This is not what the founding fathers envisioned. Well, what they envisioned was a lot of land for themselves, and possibly slaves, but you get my point.

Why would donating matter? Donate all you want. The only backlash against you may be social by friends/family that would think supporting a candidate like that reflects on who you are. It also doesnt help that the trump rallies tend to be a pretty terrible cesspool of people.

Best way to deal with it: dont talk politics with people. Thats what I do and its great.

I think it’s actually pretty awesome that Republicans (the people) are totally picking someone the establishment doesn’t like. That shows the system is indeed working. We should not have a govt where only an elite group can dictate who we can choose to support. It’s pretty amazing watching this establishment use everything in their power, the contacts they have in media, etc to change public opinion, but Trump is still in the lead

If only they had thought to rig the system with super delegates like the democrats did, Trump wouldn’t be so much of a “problem”.

Yea but if they screw Trump he just runs as an independent and takes a huge chunk of their voting bloc.

Trust is a great debater and he probably has some idea about making deals despite his public insults lol…

i personally believe that you have to support the worst of what you’re candidate has said/done. screw all their diplomatic and reasonable positions, if you choose a candidate, you choose the worst of them. for this reason, i associate supporters with the the worst of what a candidate represents. as an oft used yet more tactful comparison, hitler stood for a lot of good things too. it’s the bad things that made him one of the worst in history.

you shouldn’t vote for hitler if you’re not anti-semetic and you shouldn’t vote for trump if you’re pro-trade.

I will soon see if this claim is true and report back.

^^^ MLA… one day he’s a goofball, the next a sage. Well done, sir.

What if it comes down to Trump vs Hillary, and you are pro-trade, but you are also anti-women to an even greater degree?

If this is the case, I’ll take Trumps stupid rhetoric over Clinton who basically created WWIII in Ukraine and the Middle East through her pal Soros.

Trump is probably the only candidate in history where supporters are voting for him hoping he breaks all his promises.

Cesspool? This guy doesn’t agree. Where do you get your information?