Dog Owners Allowing Their Pets to Do Their Business on Your Mailbox, etc. with Total Impunity

For those who live in areas where you have a freestanding mailbox or front yard area, how do you feel about dog owners who allow their pets to do their duty on your mailbox post or other item in your front yard when they are out walking their dog? Clearly, letting them do #2 and leaving it can’t be acceptable to anybody, but there seems to be great debate about #1. Occasionally, I’ll notice a neighbor letting their dog do #1 on my mailbox through the window, and sometimes for fun, I’ll walk out the front door and just stand there so they can see me, casually with my coffee in my hand. 100% of the time, when caught, they will apologize or at the very least, appear noticeably embarrassed. So I have to imagine there’s some inherent sense that they realize it isn’t cool.


So the other day I was sitting and reading on our front porch. An elderly couple walked by, being led by a dog each, one of the dogs ran into our front yard and started paying his respect to the grass.I heard the man was saying “he will see” and the woman was like “no he is too busy reading” for whatever reason they thought I couldn’t hear them.After about 10 seconds I looked up smiled and said good morning & to my amazement the lady started saying how hair dog is" a naughty one" and she was just trying to stop the urine spray.I just hope I don’t end up that deteriorated when I get old, so I just smiled wider and laughed.

Doesn’t dog crap make the grass greener?

^Only on the other side.

Dogs instinctively ‘do their business’ in the same are as they did before based on smell. Having a dog, it can be tough to stop your dog from peeing on a post, especially if they have done it there before or if another dog has peed there as well.

Basically, you just need to get some dog deterrent spray or pouder to break the cycle.

I thought the pee kills the grass on that spot.

Anyway, this reminds me of when I was on ski trip with some college friends. We rented this house, and every day, there was a huge poo on the grass in front of the house. We thought someone was playing a prank on us. Then on the third day, we found out that someone else had a big dog that was running out of their house, and coming specifically to poo at the house we had rented. We never found out who the owner was, but we got to play with doggie for a while.

Dogs are such a nuisance. I can understand keeping dogs in suburban or rural areas but why do you want dogs in fricking Manhattan? Everywhere you walk you have to wade through dogshit. it’s filthy and annoying.

It’s the people with the small dogs that let their dog shit on the sidewalk and don’t pick it up that make it so bad. I give people shit about it all the time.

Every few years two trees by a door to my building die due to dog urine. The association pays $1500 a tree for replacement. I think I’m going start pouring my urine around the block. See how they like it. Mine smells great too. Scum, like smokers and their butts.

Even if you do, still you have shitstains on the street. Disgusting.

I grew up in a rural area and I can’t understand how people let their dogs go to the bathroom on the sidewalk or street… I made sure I trained my dog to only go on grass and the only time she’ll go on the street is when she can’t hold it and there’s no grass in sight (still pretty young) but that’s pretty rare.

City dogs might as well be cats.

^You sir, are a good man. I applaud this.

Except he still thinks it is okay to kill people’s grass and trees and leave domestic shit residue to be tracked around.

It does. To save the grass you have to quickly douse the spot with water.

I have no issue with my neighbors letting their dogs mark my mailbox post. Failure to pick up a deuce is grounds for being lit up with a paintball gun though (the owner, not the dog).

Some dog owners are jerks.

Sort of mirror society as a whole.

I am certainly no expert on Manhattan, having only been there once. But I recall seeing exactly zero dog shit.

Picking a paintball is in essence the most important part of shooting one with a paintball.

Some think yellow is funny, others think red depicts gore. The best one for this situation is to use transparent paintballs filled with a scent like women’s perfume. Shoot the guy in the neck or body and it looks like a hickey, with the scent of a woman. The guy has to have a wife for this to be effective and boy, will it be effective. It will be much better than you screaming at him. His wife will never believe the story and he’ll never come near your lawn again.

“How we behave when no one is watching us, shows our character” told a wise man!

I think this is specifically true in this case.