What British Muslims really think?

A documentary presented by Trevor Philips (former equality minister) called ‘What British Muslims Really Think’ claimed to have conducted the most extensive survey ever done on British muslims across a broad demographic of age, race and location. They interviewed 1018 people of c2.6m muslims in the UK and made some bold claims about what the rest of Muslims think.

Key highlights include:

52% think homosexuality should be illegal.

4% have sympothy for suicide bombers

35% think Jews have to much power in the UK

39% of men and women think a woman should obey their husband

25% had sympathy for Charlie Hebdo massacre

20% had sympathy for 7/7 bombings

What are your thoughts on this kind of survery and its statistical relevance?

The margin of error is probably pretty wide in this study. However, should that change how you interpret the result? For instance, let’s say the study found that 40% of Muslims thought homosexuality should be illegal. To me, that would say the same thing - that “many” Muslims have that belief. If instead, the survey was repeated over time and showed a trend: for example, that the percentage had declined from 50% to 45%, then the precision would be more important.

Anyway, to me, none of these results are surprising. I would have answered No to all of those questions, but many people have a different system of beliefs.

Sympathy for whom? Terrorists or victims?

the suicide bombers

As a former Muslim who lived UK for a good portion of my childhood and teenage years, Muslims in Europe are definitely below the Social/Economic class of their brothers in the U.S.The semi socialist Economy in many european countries lets people hold onto their stupid beliefs and whatnot without working too much.Back in UK,my father was studying for his Phd and we were not in any sense financially well off, So many muslims in our neighborhood used to live their 80 pounds child support that was paid to them by the government, the NHS was basically free and many could survive this portfolio with working McJobs and paying tuition while raising kids.You cannot live like this in the U.S.I will not be hired if I have an ISIS type of appearance, but in the U.K you are not as motivated to get a job.This is why many indians/pakistanis end up doing shit jobs there.People are not as hungry.

Indians definitely drive taxis and do other shit jobs. Although, you can’t count Indians into the same basket as of Pakistan because you can look deeper and might be surprised that how many Indians professionals, doctors, programmers, and engineers simply outnumber pakis. Indians Muslim on the other hand do much better than their counterparts who come from middle East or Pakistan because they are more accommodative and open minded. BTW I fucking hate Pakistan. Don’t judge me. That’s the way it is.

^Some Indian Muslims also have great abs.

Lol, that’s true. I personally don’t like that actor. More inclined to Hollywood!!

JFK is a Muslim?

I am purely talking about Europe and more specifically U.K.The indians in the U.S are just like others, some doctors, some engineers,some p&rn stars, some lawyers…

What do you mean? Indian Hindus or Muslim? And for your kind information an Indian household in US has median income of $99k something. I won’t say that ‘just like others’. Obviously white people are better off than any other race because of their openness and forward thinking but if you see from immigration point of view then Indians rank at the top and I guess Koreans are second.

I really don’t obsess over which race/nation is better off.At the end you are on your own,at least two Indians I know are doing good, but then again all the staff at my grocery store pushing carts around are Indian.With the exception of nations who have been discriminated in the past within the U.S ( you know which one) the rest are not terribly doing or terribly well off. Don’t discount the fact that the indians compose at least %15 of the world population, there are those digging shit and those sitting with senators.

Yes, I don’t believe in that comparison either although I just don’t get the concept of other nationalities to bring Indians under their umbrella. Yes, majority of Indians are poor and minority is highly successful. But you actually again forget the numbers here. With all the shit going on, India is still moving forward and became envy of all other nations who couldn’t. Here is the truth- when I met pakis and some other middle Eastern guys here. There focus of discussion was that how are they better than white people and why America should be blamed for all shit which is going on. They also wanted me to share my thoughts in the same line but I don’t think that way. I think white people actually came up with the best form of civilization. And if someone has a problem with it they should leave the place and ride their sheep back home. And in future as people are getting educated and more aware of family planning India would see a stagnation in population growth as people are getting married in late age and they are having one or two children. So yes, things will be better off and people will be more open to other cultures. That’s how I see India in future.

I don’t give a shit about people’s race as long as they think rationally and are likable.

Me either unless they try to drag me into their shitty discussion.