Best stoner movies

So…what are the best movies to watch while baked?

(The question is NOT “what are the best movies to watch about stoners”. So leave “Harold & Kumar”, “Half-Baked”, and “Dazed & Confused” off the list. Unless they’re good to watch while you’re blown.)

In unrelated news, my wife and kids are leaving town next week, and I found out my hot next door neighbor is holding. (Sorry–no chance of getting any. At least I don’t think there is.)

big L

A Clockwork Orange. The cinematography is most definitely designed to F with you while watching it high. totally different experience.

Dazed and Confused is one of the best movies, period.

Rather than movies though, why not binge watch a show like Archer, It’s Always Sunny, or Silicon Valley?

Chappelle Show & Its Always Sunny were my go to shows to watch baked back when I smoked frequently. As for movies I would usually go with the following in no particular order:

Blazing Saddles


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Dumb & Dumber

Happy Gilmore


Let’s see - Bill and Ted, Point Break, Speed, Scanner Darkly, The Matrix, Johnny Mnemonic, or the Replacements. These movies have nothing in common, but they are all my favorite for some unknown reason.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Qualifies for both.

Requiem for a Dream.

The Wedding Planner, hands down.

Dude, that’s not funny. Watching that sober is rough enough.

Great movie though.

mulholland drive is crazy. that movie will blow your mind in any state of mind. for the lighter side, i highly recommend buying the first season of speed racer. the animation is ridiculously exxagerated and laggy and the number of people who casually die in exploding car crashes is hilarous. “5,000 clams!”.

If you’re ~16 years old, Dark Side of the Moon synched to Wizard of Oz.


I’ve probably seen the film about 5 times but the first 30 minutes of it about 20 times. It took me about half way through uni to figure out that a night in the pub + a couple of j’s = the spins and then passed out

I remember 1st year uni one afternoon we’d been hitting the Rambo bong pretty hard and we all sat down to watch monty pythons the life of Brian and there was literally not 1 laugh from anyone for the 1st 30 minutes of the film so we turned it off. It’s like a double negative.

I’m not into getting high so I just picked the craziest drug related artistic type movie I know. It is a great movie.

I think I figured it out. “Knocked Up”

I started watching this, then turned it off so I could wait until I had the cabbage. This looks like the perfect movie.

Seth Rogen’s awesome, but I find Katherine Heigl annoying. If you want to go on the lighter side, what about Superbad (which happens to be written by Rogen).

Better yet, IMDb’s already consolidated a list: The Best Movies to Watch When You’re Super High

Mean Girls